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Oh, no, not them....


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I am doing a show yesterday and today and the other candle people here are candlewealth. Yuck...They keep asking me questions about where I guet my wax and supplies and wanting to pick a fight because guess what I have soy and paraffin. Not good, I told them I didn't want to get into it because to me it's like politics and religion they should just be left alone because everyone has their opinions, but they keep hovering over me like vultures. I hate it. They watch my booth like they are ready to attack anyone that comes over. Any suggestions???????

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We don't have Candlewealth here in the UK but I take it that they are just sales reps and not actual candlemakers. How can you build a business if you don't have good foundations. In this case a sound knowledge of candlemaking and all the highs and lows that are associated with them.

Best just to ignore them. You're right when you say that the soy vs paraffin debate is like religion and politics. Just smile sweetly and let them show themselves up with their narrow minded comments.

Remember, some people make their businesses big by tearing down everyone elses. Others just ignore them and focus on slowly building up theirs.


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Thanks, very well put.... Since it is snowing where I am not alot of people out and about so I have the pc on. It is hard when candle people think they can attack you. My hands are tied because the event coordinator is her best friend. So I will keep my mouth shut and keep promoting my stuff, even though I want to attack back.:lipsrseal I would hate to get into a cat fight. Even though it would liven things up around here.:wink2:

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Let them watch you. Ignore it as best you can and do your business.

You know, they aren't about to tell you their secrets and yours can simply be defined as it's a special blend and leave it at that. Bottom line is, the beligerant aren't going to get the business. Potential customers will see it. And the advantage you have, you put care into product where mass producers do what? Mass produce. They don't have that much time to give attention to every single candle.

There's no reason to belittle someone, but promote the truth about what you have and your product. Let candlewealth stew.

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I am thinking a nice big sign:

Each one of our candles is hand made from the very beginning until the very end. Mass production is not for us. Meticulous perfection is the only thing we will settle for in our business because we care about you, the customer.

Yeah, cheesy, but fun! :grin2:

Of course she doesn't want to stir things up, which is totally understandable but, your sign idea is nonetheless pretty clever.

LOL - that's a good one!..:smiley2:

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Well I think they sold more candles than I did, but I still had a pretty good amount of sales. We are going to make a large sign for next week that will state we hand make and not mass produce our candles. The lady was by the front door and started talking about her candles walking them over to her booth as soon as they entered the door. I even had a Mary Kay person come and grab my customers before they were finished looking at my candles. I couldn't get a break either way. That really sucked! Oh, well! I am so competitive and it was very hard to see everyone's dirty work. I still sold lots of paraffin and soy though. I poured the soy in the little cups with lids and sold a ton of those. Women wanted to put them in their dresser drawers, cars, kids bedrooms and office. So things still worked out but I wasn't a happy camper.

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Make sure the show organizers know that the MLM are too pushy and trying to engage your customers and yourself into an exchange about whose products are best. Express your displeasure with the situation and let them know that you will not tolerate it, and neither should they.


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I can not believe it, I'm sure the customers that bought the candlewealth candles will be sorely disappointed when they burn them. I know I was when I bought one to see what all the hype was about them. I couldn't smell it and plus the wick danced around in the container. Very dangerous.

I would also add on your sign that you actually test your candles.

What's up with the Mary Kay lady, it's not like you were in direct competition with them, lol. I would definitly complain about both of them. I wouldn't care less if the other people knew the promoter or not. What they did was both childish and rude. And I wouldn't put up with that.

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If they have Wrangle your customers away then they have nothing to draw them with in the first place! So say something about unfair wrangling by other vendors to show organizers. If they are good show organizers, they won't invite them back

But I would put up a sign that says


Then have some clamshells in an electric tart warmer that will nab those customers and keep.

You can play their game with your rules!


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There is a thread on them. Not sure where.. I really don't know much about them other than they bash paraffin and are trained to be salespeople to buy their expensive candles. Thanks Fire and Ice I am getting ready to make a big sign and was wondering what to put on it. Now I know!!!! Thanks, I didn't even go and sniff their candles like the snoop that came over and hovered over mine. But one good thing that made me feel good was the event coordinator and her daughter which are good friends of the candlewealth lady both came over to buy candles from me, not them. I always make sure I carry lemongrass and eucalyptus and those were my biggest sellers especially at this show.

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Go get you a soy candle and burn it like most people do.. don't trim, let it go for hours. Smoke up the inside good. Then put it next to a sign that says Any candle will soot if improperly burned. I have that and it takes care of the soy group. I had a soy vendor come into my [busy] booth and start talking loudly about how my product was going to blacken walls and pretty much kill them. At the time I was a bit stunned and speachless. Now,m if needed, I let customers know I worked with both and choose parrafin because of fragrance load, bright colors, and my wick is chosen because of such and such.. never do I bash soy. People then see an educated candlemaker and see the others for what they are.

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All of my shows this year had the same person from Candle Wealth...they steered pretty clear of me. I checked out their stuff...really not impressed. Mine (of course) were nicer, and I do a blend. I do have people ask me about the differences and I explain it, and say I like the benefits from both of them, so I chose the blend. Either you want my candles or you don't...LOL!

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