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My mistake...a lesson learned


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I thought that free clipart sites were just that--clip art that was free and clear. I pulled a picture off one about three years ago. When I decided to redo my logo, website, labels--I saw that picture saved on my computer and my friend modified and there you go--I had my new logo! Well that was back in September when I did that.

Fast forward to this morning when I was searching under my business name and saw that graphic. To my shock and horror, it is a painting! It is not free clip art. I saved it three years ago so I don't know what site I got it from but I thought if it was on that site, that it was clear to use--WRONG!

I called the artist immediately after. I explained where I found the graphic and that I had used it for my logo in a modified version. He went to my site, liked the way we had used it and he gave me permission as long as I gave him credit on my site.

I am still a bit shook up because I guess I learned the hard way that nothing is free. I wish I could give him the website that I had gotten it from but it was too far back. I am very lucky he was kind and just wanted recognition instead of suing me. I thought maybe I could post this so someone else would not make my same mistake. I won't be using any graphics online regardless of where they are from unless I have specific permission. I thought I was using it legally sheesh.

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Yep, lesson learned and gently I might add, thank goodness. WHEW I guess b/c you brought it to the artists attention that may have made them a bit more understanding.

Nope, just b/c you got it on a "free" clipart site, does NOT mean you can use it in all applications, especially in a money making capacity-BIG NO NO.

Glad you posted this though, cuz I'm sure there are a ton of others who think the same as you did.

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You were very lucky. I have contacted artists in the past for permission to use their photos and got all no's.

Clip art is free. and you can use it to make posters and name tags and fun stuff. You can not use it in any business application - labels, logos, brochures. If you didn't pay for the rights, you don't have the rights.

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Right- if it's not copyrighted anyone can put it on thier free clip art site- but there are special copyright conditions that exist whether it actually went through the process or not.. it's different for different states. But regardless that stuff is free for YOU... you aren't supposed to sell it though which essentially you are when you make money on it. I guess that's why they can 'give it away'. It's scarey and sad that some will really get their panties in a wad over our mistake in using some of these things. I paid for my clip art program- so I'm going to have to make do with what is in it, and stay off the net. (And yet that still worries me to some extent... cuz I haven't acutally researched resale use. Yes, I'm a nervous nellie):undecided

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What I've found is that a lot of the "free" clip art sites have the same pieces which they've all pulled from a "public domain" site somewhere. They usually have a caution printed somewhere on their site, stating that to the best of their knowledge these items are free of copyrights and royalties, but ultimately, the responsibility lies with the user to verify that.

Some sites (but not many) say you can use it for commercial or private purposes. Of course, if they're swiping stuff off of the internet themselves and they have a disclaimer releasing themselves of any liablity, they don't care what you do with it. As long as people are clicking on their sites and on the ads on their sites, they're making money.

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