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OK, here's my candles...

SSR Candles

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I absolutely love them!! :yay: Is the pottery horse hair pottery? It sure does resemble it if it's not. I too definately want some for around the house!



Yup. Genuine horsehair pottery poured, fired, and finished by me or my wife.

Thanks so much for the comments, feedback, and pointers. Thanks to Dean for pointing out a couple of issues - all fragrance options are now functional. More comments are always welcome!



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WOW, you've definitely got a talent there, more than one it seems, you should be very proud of your achievements, so original and I love the fact that you are carrying on-to some extent- an art that the American Indians started, that makes it all the more pleasing at least IMO. :)

Ok, someone mentioned yarn dang it, so now I'm off to peruse your site for that and then probably :drool: all over my keyboard. LOL

Yep, I would definitely just to be on the extra safe side, glaze however you can to seal the insides of those, it only takes ONE to become a flaming container. ;)

I paint terra cotta for candles and just use modge podge to seal the inside and out, works every time and it's cheap and so easy. ;)

Beautiful beautiful pots BTW, they almost look like natural marble-too cool!! :thumbsup:

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I like the 71 David Brown/Case...:D and I love the pottery, too.

Lol. Me, too - that tractor's my pet - I love it. Best working tractor I've ever had. It's gonna get a new paint job this year, hopefully, and I'm hoping to find another one like it but with a cab next year.

Thanks everyone for the comments on the candles! Keep 'em coming - the more input I can get before these start getting public exposure, the better it will go. I think I've got a great product, now I've just got to make sure it's market-ready before I let it go too far... Don't want to shoot myself in the foot, so to speak. I've been burning candles like crazy, testing everything I can think of...

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Gorgeous pottery. I took four semesters of ceramics and sculpting in college and loved every bit of it. Now I am in school to become a registered nurse but really miss my pottery days. Maybe after I graduate and have some money I can bet back into it. I am off to visit your website also.

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