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Carpy craft show


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My first craft show was not great for me or anyone else. It was a school affair with about 60 vendors and no one had a great day except the balloon yo-yo guy. 100's of peeps went through but I'd guess not more than 10 of us made or booth fee ($40). I doubled mine but that's not saying anything. Here's some pics though





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Doesn't that "suck" when you put so much time into producing your stock and there's hardly any people buying. Don't feel bad, I bet we all had one of those shows some time in our career. I did a show once where I spent 3 weeks preparing because the year before I didn't have enough stock. After paying a friend to help me that day, the booth fee and time spent making the products, I came out in the hole $45.00. Won't do that show again.

BTW...I think you have beautiful products and you've displayed them well. :D

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I have said this before...my first few craft show experiences sucked (back b/f I did candles, too) and I wanted to quit so many times. It does get better. All it takes is one person to buy something, tell someone, come back, they tell someone to come, etc. Hang in there! Your booth is beautiful and one I would stop at.

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And other things like your state's biggest football game being played during show time ... arg ... or state football playoffs or what show organizers are doing. Yep, show yesterday and it wasn't that great either. Hang in there! It does get better. It can also get out of control too, but you can gain from these experiences.

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Thanks everyone

There were 8 craft shows in a 30 mile radius of me yesterday too. They had a book fair going on at the same time at the school and I think most of the traffic was from that. On a good note, no one walked by my spot. They all stopped and looked and read all my little blurbs and many people told me my products were beautiful. I would do a few things different but I don't think any of it would have affected the sales because many people did not sell 1 thing...at least I recovered my fee for another day;)


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My first craft show was not great for me or anyone else. It was a school affair with about 60 vendors and no one had a great day except the balloon yo-yo guy. 100's of peeps went through but I'd guess not more than 10 of us made or booth fee ($40). I doubled mine but that's not saying anything. Here's some pics though


I had a bad day a the craft show that i was at too. The other vendors didn't fair as well either. Alot of people stopped to look and comment on how nice the candles smelled and liked the display......... Waste of a day. I do better selling thru friends and where my daaughter works. I wonder how candle selling on Ebay is???

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Sorry your 1st show wasn't better. Just remember that the more folks see you and your products the more likely they are to buy. I am doing 1 to 2 shows every weekend in Nov. All within 60 miles of me and I see the same customers at several shows. I've had folks buy something at an earlier show who stopped to buy more this weekend. Love the way you have displayed your orbs.

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