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Face Cleansing Oils?


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Hi Everyone,

I want to make an oil to cleanse my face. I have searched and searched for information and I haven't come up with anything. Well, I did find a list of oils that were non-clogging. I just need for someone to point me in the right direction to be able to attempt to formulate something I can use. Any help would be so greattttly appreciated. TIA

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google "oil cleansing method"

i have dry skin, so i like a blend of 25% castor(draws out impurities in skin) and 75% olive oil. then i tweak it with a few eo's that are good for my skin type. there are other great oils to use for this...but this is what i use.

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Hi Penny,

I found the oil cleansing method in a thread here on CT maybe six months ago. The link given led to thelonghaircommunity.com (I hope that it's OK to post this - if not feel free to remove) and they have a HUGE thread on this topic.

For cleanser, I personally use grapeseed oil as the base, maybe 60% with the balance caster oil 25% and EVOO 15%. I started out with straight EVOO and also tried coconut oil. My skin seems to like my current mix, which I've used for 5 months or so.

For moisturizer, I use a blend of mostly jojoba with a splash of rose hip oil and a drop or two of tea tree.

Good luck in finding what works for you.


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Hi Penny,

I found the oil cleansing method in a thread here on CT maybe six months ago. The link given led to thelonghaircommunity.com (I hope that it's OK to post this - if not feel free to remove) and they have a HUGE thread on this topic.


I saw the same thing and tweaked what most used to come up w/ my own oil cleanser. I found it to cause more ance for myself and my 12 yo son I had start using w/ me. :undecided

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google "oil cleansing method"

i have dry skin, so i like a blend of 25% castor(draws out impurities in skin) and 75% olive oil. then i tweak it with a few eo's that are good for my skin type. there are other great oils to use for this...but this is what i use.

And I'm just the opposite. I have very oily facial skin (the rest of my body is dry skin - go figure?) Anyway, so I use 25% castor oil for the properties of drawing out the impurities, and 50% coconut oil for the drying effect, and another 25% Almond oil to put back some of the moisture that the coconut took away. Seems like a contradiction, but my skin has never felt or looked better since using this concoction. :) I haven't had an acne breakout in about 3 years using this stuff. If I miss only a day or so of using this on my face I get a breakout, so even on days I am just sitting around in my robe eating bon bons (LMAO, like that ever happens) I will still use this after my shower. :)

I guess my point to Penny is, it really depends on your skin type as to which oils would work for you.

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When I started doing this several years ago I checked out all the threads and experimented a bit. Ultimately the mix my skin liked best was a blend of sweet almond, jojoba and avocado oils. I don't need moisturizer anymore and I never get breakouts. Yay!

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