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Soap ????


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I am a candlemaker not a soapmaker and I did a craftshow last weekend. The lady across from me was a soapmaker and her soaps looked interesting, so I decided to buy a couple of her samples. Two bundles of three for $2.00 ea. Well after a few days I decided to use them and I unwrapped them and the bad sides were hidden. The bad pieces had a crusty white look and one looked like it had mold embedded in the crust. Is this normal for soap to look like this??? I am afraid to use any of the soap because I made soap once back in 1998 and never did my soap have moldy crust on it. Yuck!!! The kicker is she didn't have her soap ingredients or no business name on her soap. She didn't give any receipts or offer a card. That made me wonder how many people are at home using this moldy stuff with a fungus or bacterial infection... I maybe wrong, but I would like to hear from some soapmakers if this is a normal look for soap nowadays. TIA

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The white layer is probably ash - sometimes it just shows up and is a pain. Most remove it by washing or shaving the bar before selling it since it ain't purty except in some swirls. Cannot figure out why it forms sometimes and not others. I think it is actually calcium carbonate or something like that. If it's ash it won't hurt you at all.

This said, I personally wouldn't use the soaps. I don't like that she hid the ash, didn't display her ingredients (which is not legally necessary, but still nice to do), and doesn't have any accountability with no business name or anything.

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The white crusty stuff might have been ash which won't hurt you. Most soapers trim that off since it is not aesthetically pleasing. But the mold part, that is just disgusting. She should have listed her ingredients and contact info. Can you post a picture of the soaps so the more experienced soapers might be able to tell you what is wrong with it?

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Some of them it looks like ash, but a couple of them it look like mold to me (not saying it is, it is hard to tell from the pic). Not good business in my book, to sell product and hide the uglies, and not label the soap with a name and ingredients. :undecided

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It is just my luck to buy low quality soap. Someone needs to tell her to throw this stuff away.... I am just wondering how many people that bought that soap are using it on their faces. Next time I will unwrap the soap and take a real good look at it. Thanks for all your input soapmakers...

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IMO, soap should have ingredients listed to avoid potential allergy problems. :) Early in my soaping days, I might have sold a few bars without the ingredients listed. But I list them all now in case someone is sensitive to something. One customer learned he had a reaction to lemongrass oil when he used my lemongrass eo soap. Now he knows to look for it and avoid it! lol

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  • 2 weeks later...
IMO, soap should have ingredients listed to avoid potential allergy problems. :) Early in my soaping days, I might have sold a few bars without the ingredients listed. But I list them all now in case someone is sensitive to something. One customer learned he had a reaction to lemongrass oil when he used my lemongrass eo soap. Now he knows to look for it and avoid it! lol

I totally agree with you about the ingredients!!! I always list mine, because you never know what someone may be allergic to. I can't believe that woman was selling those icky soaps. I wouldn't even give them away, or let my family use them! That's just irresponsible!

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The pink bar looks like a bar from a batch I did a long time ago. It was CPOP and it was in the oven too long (same time as I had always used before, but for this FO, it was too long) and it sort of bubbled/discolored on the edges.

Is the mold growing on the bar with the additives on top? I've seen that before with herbs or oats on top of the bar. I think it happens when the bar is not cured in low humidity. I do use a few oats on top of my OMH bar, but that's maybe 10 oats per bar and I've never had this problem.

Another one of the bars looks like it might have been a partial gel or ash.

Regardless, if you don't have a good feeling about the soap, pitch and eat the loss of $4.00.

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That is disgusting. I most certainly not use those. I agree with everyone else it ash but I swear that is mold growing on there. Don't let one bad experience spoil you on soaps. There is a multitude of many here and on other sites that are doing good business and providing quality products.

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