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Candles made in water


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I'm sorta new in the candle business, I'm making a candle that I haven't seen for many years. It useta be called "Water Candle" but not to infringe on the name I'm calling them WOW Candles. (wax on water). The process requires pouring wax into water around a tapered candle that is replaceable. All you do is replace the taper. When these candles are completed they look like little castles or sometimes ships. There are no two candles alike in color or shape. This way the candle holder for lack of a better term can be used for many years. I currently have one of these candles that was made back in the 70's and I only need to replace the taper to continue to use this work of art. Does anyone know of anyone making these? Please reply to tsorahan@yahoo.com

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I'm sure I've seen some in the gallery here - they have been around for quite a while.

If you are concerned with infringement, you may be interested to know that "WOW" is term used by Microsoft as a module in Windows for running "Windows on Windows" (16-bit apps in the 32-bit OS, or now 32-bit apps in 64bit Windows). I'm not a lawyer so don't know if it matters, but I thought I read that some candle companies are patenting even regular names - like Christmas Eve and the like. (Someone will correct me if I'm wrong).

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Do you mean these?

this is from http://donitahoyer.com/

Donitas are not quite like the ones they had on the old days like in spencers gift stores. They were very hollow in the middle with about 6 or more inch of free space in the middle of the shell outside. Most of them were done in black... would be a great comeback for the gothic crowd now. They really did have like little towers with pointed tops that made them look like castles. I played with them but never made them enough to be able to think about selling them.


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