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Have you ever thought the candle biz would be like this?


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Competitive, stressful, tiresome, sneaky people, jealous people, grumpy people? This is the bad side, huh? There are lots of good sides to it also, I guess every business has it's moments.

Do any of you let all this get to you? how do you cope with so many things to do and so little time?

It seems hard enough making all the products, then here comes a snooper,... thinking ther're so smart, asking if I will show them how to start a business like mine, where do I get my supplies,...even had one lady ask how much I cleared off my products, and how much money do I make!!!

One guy jerked out his check book and was writing down info on the bottom of my burners (fooled him,...had my name on the bottom) he,...he!:neener:

I was thinking where my business will be in 3-4 years. If I get any bigger I'll have to go to automated wrapping.

Do any of you ever feel this way?,..or is it just me,...stressed out?

I never in a life time thought this business would be so rough, but yet rewarding.

Does all this make sense?

I think I need a vacation and here is the busy season!

Off to the candle room to sling some wax!

Thanks for listening,


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Well this year hasn't been as bad as last lol! No one peddling wares in our booth, huffy over prices etc. We've had our share of soy dramatics and competitors coming and trying to figure out stuff. Just spent last weekend on the backside of a very ummm negative individual.

Actually expect it in the business. Hope you have your second or third wind lol.

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Thanks, girls. Most of the time I don't let it get to me. For the biggest part, my competitors used to irritate me,...but now I figure that if they're bugging me, they're not bugging anyone else.

I have a lot of loyal customers, and they make it all worth while.

I started candle making for a hobby, like most, and it has ended up being a full time job. I just never thought it would be so addicting!

I appreciate all of you on this board,...it helps me keep my sanity.

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I always get at least one annoying person come to my booth and start asking questions. Last week a lady walked up to my booth and wanted to know how I make my waxed pinecones look so pretty. I just look them in the eye and say that it is a trade secret and I can't say without being compensated. This lady just looked embarassed and just said Oh, you're not going to tell me huh??? I said no... Than she just walked off. People will try anything. It just blows me away. I am used to it now and know what to say to stop them in their tracks. Guys in the candle biz are so nice to me they usually just walk up to my booth and comment on how nice my candles look and smell, but the women are so catty. I see their claws come out while they are walking up to my booth. I hate it but I am always ready for them. I also had a candle lady come into my booth with her daughter and I started telling them about my candles because they looked so interested, but the daughter spoke up and said oh my mom makes candles and before I could say anything the mom took off like a bat out of hell. Bizarre.............

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If people are rude enough to ask you your trade secrets, and have the "attitude" then do this, I did.... LMAO;)


Oh here, let me write down the website of my supplier for you..

They have the best Fragrance oils and wax..

Write down this site www.smellypoop.com give them the slip of paper, and when they walk away, you can laugh your butt off!!

Who knows, maybe they will check it out when they get home!! LOL

That ought to teach them not to ask people trade secrets!!!

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If people are rude enough to ask you your trade secrets, and have the "attitude" then do this, I did.... LMAO;)


Oh here, let me write down the website of my supplier for you..

They have the best Fragrance oils and wax..

Write down this site www.smellypoop.com give them the slip of paper, and when they walk away, you can laugh your butt off!!

Who knows, maybe they will check it out when they get home!! LOL

That ought to teach them not to ask people trade secrets!!!

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

You made me choke on my tea....too funny. Thank you.


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