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Questions on packaging soaps


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  • 2 weeks later...

No, you do not have to list the ingredients for soap on your label.

It is not a regulation, it is a choice. No soaper HAS to put any ingredients on the soap they sell.

I think the weight is a requirement, If I am not mistaken. Robin or Bunny would know this for sure.

I don't do markets or shows, but I if I were to see naked soap, I would be more compelled to buy it.

People are drawn to color and scent, subconciously.

There have been many studies done concerning this. Big companies spend millions of dollars coming up with ideas to "draw" the consumers eye, so to speak. There is a lot more to marketing then just putting products on a shelf. Did you know that Target gave 25 MILLION dollars to the person that designed that funky red pill bottle for the pharmacy? Yes, Target is a big corporation, but that is one helluva sum of cash for a packaging design.

If you get a chance, go read on The Dish about some of those big time soapers. The ones that do soap and ONLY soap for a living. Bandicoot is one that comes to mind. She sells her soaps naked. And makes a very good living from it. Just an example. Not that I think every soaper should do what she does. But you can always learn something from someone that is successful.

Now my thoughts on soap packaging> ;)

Naked in a store, or market. I wouldn't want my soap handled either. Put one bar out, and the rest in a container. Then I would have custom boxes made. Embossed, and in color. Once someone selects a soap, I take a new soap with gloves on and place it in the box. In fact, I would have a few types of boxes, so if someone wanted a five soap gift set, they could buy it, right there. In the scents they choose. That brings us to volume. Which is key in success. Choices, it is all about choices. Experimenting, and seeing what works best for us, individually. What rocks and rolls for some, might not sell at all for another.

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Here's another vote for naked soap. My sales more than doubled this year on soap and I never noticed anyone giving me the hairy eyeball for having naked soap LOL! I wrap in tissue paper and a secure it with a label after purchase.

I should also add, this includes my Melt and Pour soap as well. I never wrap it until after it's been purchased or ordered off of my site.

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