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Where do the suppliers get

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the FO's from??? I know that this may be a stupid question......but I was just thinking about the fact that they have to get it from somewhere and they obviously sell it above the wholesale price they pay for it in order to make a profit. Are there any suppliers on here that would be willing to share info???

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okay.... hehe.... this is one I wanna step up and talk about.... :) there are many mfg's that we checked out before starting in the wholesale business, and the other posting is very true about the min. orders and Qty. per item.... the company that makes all of our fragrances has a 250 pound min. order, at 25 pounds per fragrance.... and the way we have 99% of our fragrances made are by finding different fragrances that we like, or get from our customers and have them make an exact duplicate of.... it takes about 2 weeks to get done, but is well worth it when you find a fragrance that you like.... it's hard enough to find someone just to tell you who the wholesalers are, let alone to tell you who the Mfg. is.... tho we don't disclose our mfg. I can tell you that unless you move a ton of oils, getting started is a Very tough process...... :) hope that helps a little.....

I would also just like to take a min. to thank Everyone on here who have rated our Fragrances, and given us all the feedbacks over the past couple years to help us Grow for you guys as well!!!! Thank you again, and I wish Every one on here a Super Holiday Season......

Loren S.

The Candle Source


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We have used a FO mfg for a number of years and got a tour of their facility once. Fascinating! We did not know that there was a profession called "perfumers"; the best are trained in France. They concoct scents from scratch. Much/most/all of the ingredients are essential oils (depends or several factors). At the time we toured hurricanes had wiped out Florida's grapefruit crop which made the cost of grapefruit EO's skyrocket. The company was scrambling to find alternatives to keep costs down. They have a 25 pound minimum. The first price break is at 55 gallons and the next is a pig (don't recall how large an amount a pig is). So, candle companies buy from mfg's and rebottle in smaller amounts. A bargain if you cannot afford or use 25 pounds.

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