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Retail Shop Pics?


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Ok, we are getting ready to start moving the furniture into my shop. I am "useless" when it comes to decorating. I have some ideas, but would love to see pictures of any of your retail shops decorated to get some ideas. I have a sister-in-law who has a knack for decorating, but she is over 300 miles away. Shoot, she could take a dinning room table and a pile of dirt and turn the pile of dirt into a beautiful looking center piece. Me on the other hand, things just never seem to look right where I put them.

I will be using alot of antique furniture in my shop as display pieces for my products. Would just like to see pic's of how everyone else decorates, and hopefully it will make something click in my head. TIA Portia

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yeah - let's see what we have to work with. :D I don't have a shop of my own but I do help my mom out in her floral shop. I also get compliements on my display at craft shows. It's all about making little areas and haveing them work together. Like in my mom's shop she has a "Victorian Area", a "Christian Area", a "Northwoods Area" and so on... but they all blend together so no one area looks overdone or "favored". My soap and candles that I have in her store are on a baker's rack with some ivy (or holiday garland) draped around it. The trick is harmony and not to get too gung-ho on decorations. You want your product to stand out and not be hidden by a bunch of fluff.

HTH some - I'd still like to see pictures. ;) I'm sure we can all help.

Life & Light!


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Sorry, but I was on my way out the door when I typed the first message. Here are the "rough" pictures of what is soon to be my shop. Though I don't have pic's of the front, it has double glass doors at the entrance. There is a huge picture window on the left and right of the doors as you are entering the building. Then there is the large window that you see in the picture. This used to be a small restaurant and the windows had "hillbilly's" painted on all of the windows except one. Because I will use alot of antiques for displays, my shop will be more on the primitive side.

Ok, lets just hope these pictures don't break the board. Here goes,,,,,,,,and it's alot cleaner now. We now have a lattice wall that seperates the front section and the back section where my working area is and the bathrooms. The podium that you see in pic #4 is in the right back corner now and will be where you check people out. We painted the floor a med brown and speckled dark brown and white in it. In the back right corner, behind that wall is where my office is. Now the fun begins and the furniture starts going in tomorrow.

LOL,,,,,me & my husband has done all the work on the place ourselves. We spent our 11th wedding anniversary last Saturday getting started on it. Worked on it all day and came home around 8:00 and ordered up Domino's deliveries,,,,,LOL My husband asked me last night what a man had to do to get fired with me, because he sure wanted to get fired,,,,LOL Any and all suggestions are more than Welcome! TIA Portia






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What a wonderful space! How big is it?

I'd love to see your furniture pieces in it first. With such neutral walls you really can do soo much. White shabby chic in an area, then a country prim corner with your rosehips, potpourri fixins...maybe a dish your own spot with old wash tubs.

Lots of things...what a great palette!

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Ok, Lindsaycb,,,,,,,,,,is it ok to nominate you my "Decorator"?,,,,,,,,,LOL The whole space is roughly 30' x 50'. I am more excited about the huge work space than I am the front display space.

Ok, I know this may be a stupid question, but what is Shabby Chic style? Portia

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What I'd do with a space that big is measure it out and put it on graph paper - then from there measure all your large peices of furniture and put it on the graph paper where you'd like your areas to be. Then figure a few feet of "shopping space" and then map out areas for your smaller peices that you'd like to use for other things. I know it sounds like a PITA but you'll be thankful at the end of the day that you did it - no lugging big furniture from one end of the store to the other and back again. So what kind of furniture do you have? Are you going to have your antiques for sale too??

Life & Light!


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What a nice big space. Do a search on shops. There was one in here that inspired me awhile back. The person was prairie some. I can not remember the full name. She had antiques in hers and decorated americana. I fell in love with it. I just redid my shop something like hers. Mine is real small reception area with gift shop for my tanning salon. We also redid all the tanning rooms. You can see my rooms on my web site. www.americantannspa.com. the reception area is not on there yet because we just did it this past Sunday and have not took pictures yet. I wanted to get it all done for our holiday open house Nov 17 and 18. Good luck with the decorating. It is so nice when it is done.

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Aww, thank you for the nice compliments Julwid :)

Here's a few pics of my shop Portia. I let hubby go hogwild with the paint and it just took off from there lol. I didn't really have a "big picture" in mind when I started, it just kind of took it's form as we went. But Americana is definately how it turned out hehe.

Old trunks, old cabinets, and antiques make really great displays. You can get so creative with things. I used roosting boxes, crates, and beat up old chairs too. Using your antiques gives people lots of "ideas" for displays too if you are selling the antiques as well. If not, they just add lots of charm to your products. Amazing what a few gallons of paint and lots of "old stuff" can do for a space! Good Luck to you!



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