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Which Soy wax to use?

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I just registered and I've been doing a lot of research on this website already and I love all the advice!

I've been making candles for about a year now and recently discovered the world of soy candles! I've been using EcoSoy CB135 and really like it. Do you have any other suggestions on which soy waxes are good?


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Which wax you like is a very subjective question and one you will get alot of different answers to. Each wax has its own issues so I would suggest finding a supplier nearest you to save on shipping since shipping can be such a killer and a deciding factor as to what wax you might choose to go with. See if you can work with that wax since any wax you pick will need to be tested to find what works for you. As for me, I have my own proprietary blend I came up with after finding nothing I really liked. Now there are those on this board that will find my response to you to be rude (and I am sure that they will have to say so) but it is not meant as rude. Soy wax is a different beast and it is hard to really give advice as to what to use since what one person likes, the next doesn't like. If you like the current wax you are using and shipping isn't bad, I would also suggest sticking with it until you learn more about making candles and soy. Then it is fun to try out other waxes and play around. Good luck.

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I know I'm still fairly new around here, but I think Meredith's answer above is right on the money. As many people that are here, that's how many different opinions you're going to have.

In addition to her answer above, which I wholeheartedly agree with, I'd also like to add that it also depends on if you're after the perfect 'looking' candle, or if you're after the natural properties of plain soy (without parrafin blend).

It's all a matter of taste, and what you can find that works best for you. But, definetley... find the supplier closest to you and start there!

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I'm pretty happy with my EZ-Soy, it's a little lumpy and bumpy but that's how you know it's soy! Very "EZ" (har har) to work with. I was originally going to try out the C-3 but couldn't find a shipper near by that I was happy with.

I've worked with other waxes before but I really enjoy the soy. I think you will too! :)


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Right now I make most of my candles w/GreenLeafs 70/30. It's a soy blend and what I use for my colored candles. Now, for uncolored candles I am having great success w/GB's 464. I like it because I can pour it hot. I do plan on testing a couple other "hot pour" pure soys. For me personally, I just dont have time to wait for my wax to cool to slushy stage. Like Meridith said, check out what is available near you so you can narrow down a list of waxes to try out. Then take into consideration whether you are looking for a hot pour wax or the norm soy that is usually poured cool. Once you find a couple near you, come back and search them on the board so you can find what others who use/have tested the wax say. HTH! ;)

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thanks for the info Henry I will check it out...but what I'm finding is that the ratio of soy is not as high as GL...in other words they seem to be 50/50 or 30/70 in favor of paraffin GL is 70% soy and only 30% parafin. I'm going to check out those brands and see if they are what I'm looking for...thanks...;)

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