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Introduction and question

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Hello everyone, just found this board today and have been reading and reading. I am oldie getting back into the business. I had my own business for 4 years and poured paraffin, for the past two years I have been playing and testing soy.

I just started selling again this year and have done a few craft shows, well I got a big Christmas order and my question is, I need to do this in my garage that has no heat. If I set up with some heaters and poured during the day where I can keep it at a consistant temp do you think I will have any problems? Should I bring finished candles into the house at night, or will there be no problems since they will be pretty much already set up? I usually pour in my basement, but I have skids of wax and glass coming and I just don't have room in the house.

I hope to become a regular here, and hope it is okay to jump in with the questions.

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Hi and Welcome, new to this site myself, I would say just make a couple candles and test it out to see if you need to bring them in. Good luck :)

It would probably be annoying if you got a really big order then had to haul candles around!!


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Are you located in a state that gets cold weather? In my experience if I were to leave my finished candles in the cool garage I usually get bad frosting in the color. I don't suppose you can put your wax and jars in the garage?? And pour in the basement! Is your basement heated?

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Yes, it does and is starting to get cold here. My basement is heated and the garage is not. I could put supplies in there but that would be a lot of carry glassware, and more chance of breakage. I don't color my candles, so I wouldn't have to worry about the color aspect.

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Hi Kimber4~ I'm in Columbus, where are you in Ohio? I still work in the kitchen, but I want to move to the basement. Taking supplies down is a huge PIA but the garage is just too cold and ugly for me to be spending any time out there. :smiley2:

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