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Everything posted by Kimber4

  1. For those of you who do wholesale, how did you get your accounts? Did you get them through the internet or did you go out and hit the pavement, knocking on doors?
  2. Yep, that is where I get most of my scents. Very good quality and very strong. It's not to far from where I live...maybe we could meet one day.
  3. Congratulations and best of luck.
  4. Nope, sounds like what I had in mind. I hate to be unorganized so your system sounds perfect. Thank you for your reply.
  5. So I am an oldie who pretty much gave up the business side after my last baby was born. I never stopped pouring, testing etc because I just love making candles. I just started my business back up and got a big order for 1800 jars, for those that do larger orders would you mind sharing some tips? I am setting up a new shop in my garage, and need to get my stations in order...any and all tips, suggestions are welcomed. What is your average turnaround time for the larger orders? TIA
  6. So I am an oldie who pretty much gave up the business side after my last baby was born. I never stopped pouring, testing etc because I just love making candles. I just started my business back up and got a big order for 1800 jars, for those that do larger orders would you mind sharing some tips? I am setting up a new shop in my garage, and need to get my stations in order...any and all tips, suggestions are welcomed. What is your average turnaround time for the larger orders? TIA
  7. I agree,try less FO for starters and see if that helps.
  8. I have found that since making candles, and when I am constantly pouring I totally lose my sense of smell. I can't smell anything or everything smells the same. I have tried the coffee and it doesn't work. I pour my candles that I am testing and give them to friends and let them be my testers. They love the free candles and it helps me out.
  9. Thanks geekrunner,nope didn't think you were snubbing me. Hillary, try again...I have it fixed now.
  10. That is what I am afraid of Crafty1...I will just have to pour and test a couple and see what happens. Hillary, I am about 20 miles East of Columbus, we are practically neighbors.
  11. I would defintely mix them, maybe start out 2 parts sandalwood and one part cedar. I am thinking the cedar might be the stronger scent.
  12. You might want to try your local grocery stores. Sometimes they will order them for you and you can pick them up local and don't get charged the shipping. HTH
  13. Yes, it does and is starting to get cold here. My basement is heated and the garage is not. I could put supplies in there but that would be a lot of carry glassware, and more chance of breakage. I don't color my candles, so I wouldn't have to worry about the color aspect.
  14. Welcome from one newbie to another. Beware, candlemaking is addictive.
  15. That is why I switched, I love the clean burn you get from soy. Let's face it, not many people trim their wicks. I have found if you use a heatgun you can smooth the tops out,although personally I like the different look that soy gives. Good luck with whatever you decide.
  16. Thanks Kelly, that's what I planned on doing, but was curious as to where others pour. I am really hoping that I don't have to carry all the materials downstairs and back up.
  17. Hello everyone, just found this board today and have been reading and reading. I am oldie getting back into the business. I had my own business for 4 years and poured paraffin, for the past two years I have been playing and testing soy. I just started selling again this year and have done a few craft shows, well I got a big Christmas order and my question is, I need to do this in my garage that has no heat. If I set up with some heaters and poured during the day where I can keep it at a consistant temp do you think I will have any problems? Should I bring finished candles into the house at night, or will there be no problems since they will be pretty much already set up? I usually pour in my basement, but I have skids of wax and glass coming and I just don't have room in the house. I hope to become a regular here, and hope it is okay to jump in with the questions.
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