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What's The Easiest to Make?

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I agree Bath salts are a popular starting point. But for me some of the easiest things I make are Massage Melts, Tub Truffles and simple M&P.. but as you get into it not only do you get addicted you also get additied to making everything better and harder lol.. LOTS OF FUN BUT TIME CONSUMING!!! Best to prewarn Hubby hehe

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Yep, the bath salts are a good starting point. So is M & P. There are lots of kits out there that are B&B related (online I recomend). I know there are lotion and lip balm kits, and m&p. Just a matter of what you want to try and how fast you want to try different things. Also if you are wanting to make things from scratch or from a base. JMO HTH

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M&P, bath salts, whipped butters, lotion bars, lip balms, bath melts, massage melts/bars, massage oils, solid perfumes.

Little harder: emulsified scrubs, lotions/body creams, CP/HP soap. Spray perfumes are a bit trickier than solid.

Bath bombs? Depends where you live, I think. In certain climates they are probably harder than in others (humidity makes a diff, IMO).

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The whipped butters and lotion/body creams would probably be what I would be interested in...and made from scratch. My grandson and I have done the M&P soap...nothing fancy just basic. I may give something new a try after the holidays. I am just amazed at the products you guys make...thanks for the advice. Ginger

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Ginger, I decided while I'm test burning the dozens of candles I've been working on to take a break and do some butters. I've gone by Kimberly's Whipped Shea recipe and made some really good stuff. I did switch around some of the oils--had no hempseed butter so used avocado instead. Also experimented with combinations of the 5 oz of oil in the recipe. My friends have been loving it all, especially one in particular who has a little problem with eczema. It's been a really fun working with the recipes.

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Hey Ginger,

I'd never done any B&B either.....until 2 weeks ago. I just researched like crazy and decided to do a version of cindym's whipped body butter, a emulsified sugar scrub, and bath bombs. I just made sure I ordered everything I needed (the hard part....200 bucks later....lol) and followed all the instructions. Everything turned out great! Made second batches and did some oil subbing.....still good. Now that I have a starting point there are things I would change to make it more my own, but I having fun and I smell really good!

Jump in, the waters fine!


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I started slow and easy with bath salts. Of course I wanted to make it difficult :confused: so I bought a coffee grinder to get the right size of the salt granules and bought sea salt, epsom salt, dendritic salt, oils, FO, a scale, etc. All this angst for SALT! Then I did pretty much the same thing for milk bath.

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