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Does anyone make pies with OUT using gel?

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I've been researching pie candles and really want to try, but it seems they all use gel. I really didn't want to mess with gel, so was curious if anyone makes pies with just paraffin.

I'm in the process of getting the equipment I need and if I really have to use the gel, I guess that's what I'll do...but I'd rather not! LOL

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I've done a few pies without gel, but I wasn't really pleased with the look. I'm not so much into the grubby look, and to me that's how they looked. I used soy and kinda whipped it a bit after pouring it into the pan. Then inserted the fruit embeds when the wax got firm. They might have done better if I had not used a top crust. With gel, I drip some to hold the top crust on. Didn't work with soy. And, I didn't think it looked very real.

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Thanks for the links, Top!

I should have been more specific, I want to make strawberry pies for a huge strawberry festival that I'm applying to. I never do shows, but wanted to do something different.

I've got some molds coming, so I'll play around and if they don't turn out, I'll start the gel research.

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Dang, those are pretty pies. Mine looked nothing like that. Course, Bruce has been at this a LOT longer than I have. I've only been doing the pies for a little over a year. I did try the strawberry when I ran out of gel. Mine with the gel definitely looked more realistic.

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Wow. Those are beautiful, tonyalc. Hopefully, with more experience I can get results like yours and Bruce's. However, my pies with gel do look realistic and burn well, so I'll probably just stick with that. I'm having a hard enough time with container wicking!

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I used one pour wax for my filling for the ones in the picture. I'm thinking they might even look more real if I were to use a much clearer wax. That would work better on the strawberry color for sure since it needs to be more transparent to get the right look. I don't mess with gel so I guess I would try anything rather then trying to learn about gel wax.. my brain can only hold so much then it shuts down.

If you are going to have the top of the pie covered with lattice or some thing I wouldnt worry too much about what it looks like under there... if it smells like the real thing you can fool the eye into thinking its real. Bruce

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Gel was the first wax I ever worked with and always felt pretty comfortable with it. I buy my embeds online, so putting together the pies is super easy. I did a lemon meringue, but I used gel for the filling and whipped the wax for the topping. I just wasn't happy because I couldn't get the oven "browned" look on the peaks of the meringue the way I wanted them. I brushed on a tad of mica, and it looked ok, but not great.

You're right about the smell. That's what everyone usually comments on the most for me.

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Tonyalc...wow! Those look great. Would you mind sharing any tips/info, specifically what wax? LOL

Bruce, the strawberry pies I wanted to make don't have a lattice top, although maybe they'll have to!

Thanks everyone!!

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