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Almost heaven


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Not sure if i can post this here, if not, mods please delete or move!

Last December a friend of mine ordered three presto pots (totalling 180.00 USD)from Almost Heaven At the time she was told there would be a small wait as to get the spigots installed etc. Well, in Feb, my friend started calling and emailing her and was finally told that they had been shipped in Feb. She to date still hasnt got the pots, no return emails, the gal wont answer her calls etc etc. Since its been too long visa wont do anything about the payment, so she is more or less screwed....Anyone else have this problem or simular problems?


Edited cause i am an idiot...

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This is the link to it:


I order some stuff from her last December. It was February before I got it from her. She, of course, billed my credit card the day that I placed the order! :angry2: I never made that mistake again. I noticed that she still has the health issues going on. I sympathize if it is true, but don't keep taking orders when you can fill the ones that you already have!

Beverly S

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I've never dealt with her, (and I never would with what I have read about her here) but has anyone notified the Better Business Bureau or the Attorney General's office in her state about their dealings with her? It sounds like she's someone who needs to be shut down.

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ATTENTION Candle & Soap Stuff Customers:

We are still working under a tremendous order backlog. We are slowly, but surely working our way through those orders. And, we are getting out of stock items and delinquent fast buy items in every day lately.

When you order through our site, your credit card info is given, but your card is not charged until we determine a shipping estimate for your order. If you placed an order with us before AUGUST 11TH (except Bulk Buy orders) and your card was never charged, then the order has been cancelled as we have found that most folks who order and don't receive their order within a certain timeframe have just assumed that their order was cancelled or would not be processed. And, quite often, we have trouble processing credit card charges after an order reaches a certain age because folks have reordered and already spent the money they'd allotted for their order with us. If your credit card WAS charged and you have not received your order, please email us! If you have an order pending with Candle & Soap Stuff that has been paid for already or credit card information has been provided even if the charge has not yet been made, AND your order does not fall into any of the following categories, your order WILL BE SHIPPED unless we receive specific notification of cancellation from you via email!

Note: You must give us the following information in order to be assured we are able to cancel/refund your order promptly--Customer name, order date, order number.

HOWEVER, If you have an order pending that falls into any of the following categories, the order has been cancelled and will NOT be shipped or charged to your card.

The following orders will be/have been cancelled:

1) Orders where PayPal was selected for payment and payment was NOT made! (We no longer accept PayPal in any way.)

2) Orders that were not a true order--Those are orders where you selected to file a wish list. A wish list is NOT an order. These will be purged from our system at this time. We will still accept

Wish Lists, but we are deleting those on file currently and you may file a new wish list if you like.

3) Orders where a customer chose for us to charge a card that we had on file but we have never been asked to maintain the credit card information. We do not maintain credit card information automatically. Just because you may have placed a previous order and paid for that order via credit card does not mean that we have your card info on file. If you wish for us to maintain that information here, you must specifically request that we do so. Otherwise, as a security measure, all credit card information is destroyed once the card has been processed and the order shipped. The only things we maintain for our records are the customer name, invoice number, approval/authorization number, zipcode, and amount of charge. This is for the customer's protection!!

4) If we have an old order pending for you where we emailed you for additional information and the order was put on hold pending receipt of that information, but it was never provided and therefore the order never processed, the order has now been cancelled.

5) Orders containing sewn items (sachet bags, dream pillows, soap sacks) more than 30 days old AND where payment has not already been made/charged. We are still extremely far behind on all sewn items as production of these items has been suspended until further notice. If payment has already been made/charged, the order WILL ship unless you request a cancellation and refund for those items.

6) Orders with an item total of $10.00 or less (shipping not included) where payment has not already been made. This is our minimum order amount at this time.

7) Orders where two attempts have been made to charge a credit card but no authorization was received and the order was not already shipped. In some cases, we are holding past due amounts for orders that DID ship and the card was declined.

8) Orders where a "need this by" date was specified and we were unable to meet your timeline. If you stated that you needed an order to ship or reach you by a certain date and that date passed with us being unable to meet your needs, the order has been cancelled.

These steps are being taken to help us get back on track faster! No penalty will be applied to any order cancelled by us due to the criteria above. There will be no restocking fees in any of these cases! We must move on in order to get caught up again and some of these orders will never go anywhere, so we are deleting/cancelling them at this time. If you have questions about this, you can email, but please expect a delay in response. Please put something in the subject header that will make it clear why you are emailing so that our spam filter does not catch your message. As part of our virus protection system, any email without a subject header is automatically deleted.

We greatly appreciate our customers. Your patience and understanding in our situation has been overwhelming. We've been touched by some of the kind messages we've received as we've worked through this period of illness. Your thoughts and prayers mean more than words can say and I'd like to take a moment to thank you all for remembering us. We are working no less than 8 hours each day towards getting caught up and back on track so that our order processing time will be reduced and we can be back to "normal" processing/shipping times. Any order that has shipped more than 10 days after it was placed has been given a discount to help compensate for that delay--even if the delay was caused by an out of stock item. In some cases, the discount was enough to cover the entire shipping amount!

We hope that you will continue to support us! We're working every day to bring things around on this end.


Lea Burnside

Candle & Soap Stuff

This woman should NOT have a business & I would advise everyone to pass it along NOT to order from her.

It is women like this that give the term "home business" a bad name.

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Contact the West Virginia Attorney General and file a complaint. This is the state she operates out of. Make sure you send in the supporting documents i.e. receipt, order confirmation, any emails you have between yourself and the party. Also, print the pages off of her web site. (In a sense. she is admitting something is fishy)


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Oh I knew her as Candle & Soap Supply (not Almost Heaven). Placed two orders and never received them. Lucky for me my card wasn't charged. The gals on here tipped me off to her when I asked how long I should wait due to the "illness" thing. What really tics me off was I ordered with "coupons" she provided to the Midwestern Chandler Convention. Can't believe a bogus company (that appears to have been bogus for some time )was included in the goodie bag. On another note I tried to use a 25.00 gift certificate I won at the convention from Oak Court Creations and was told the certificate was not legitimate. I did email them and got no reply. Sorry to go off topic but C&S supply just reminded me LOL.


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I had emailed her about a year or so ago, asking if she had a store front or could come by and pick up. Being that I am about 30-45 minutes from her, I thought it would be great to just go pick up. I received an email stating I'd need to pre pay, and she would meet me with the stuff at the rest area right above the exit to go to her place. I don't think so, I wouldn't mind meeting her, but I'm not going to pre pay and then sit there waiting for her to show up. Needless to say I just forgot about the idea.

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I had emailed her about a year or so ago, asking if she had a store front or could come by and pick up. Being that I am about 30-45 minutes from her, I thought it would be great to just go pick up. I received an email stating I'd need to pre pay, and she would meet me with the stuff at the rest area right above the exit to go to her place. I don't think so, I wouldn't mind meeting her, but I'm not going to pre pay and then sit there waiting for her to show up. Needless to say I just forgot about the idea.

Better take your camper and 2-3 months groceries to the rest stop. LOL


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