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pls give some recepie for shampoo bar


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It seems there is no real difference between a soap bar and a shampoo bar. I haven't seen a while lot posted here on shampoo bars but have read about them a lot on other boards. Some add apple cider vinegar to theirs or another chelating agent, but for the most part they are just mild soaps.

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I just found a recipe for a solid shampoo bar that got raves at the Dish. Excellent was used by a couple of folks to describe this soap.

Edited by Bunny - Sorry Red Rosie, we can't post recipes from other forums, only link to them unless we have the owner of the recipie's permission. Thanks for understanding!

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Does anyone on here use a bar shampoo? I did make one that got rave reviews (I believe it may have been from the Whisk) and it made my scalp flakey. Ended up just using it as a bath soap. Even scented it "Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific" for those of you old enough to remember that great old shampoo!! I loved that stuff.


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I now only use shampoo bars on my hair and have been for months now. I was skeptical when I first started to make them since I had used Burts Bees shampoo bar and it left my hair feeling like straw. Plus, I have always been a salon shampoo girl. All of my testers just loved them and feedback was positive. I love my shampoo bars too and now have trouble keeping them in stock. I make mine with lots of castor, co, jojoba oil and OO. I made a batch the other week and put Neem oil in it since I read it is very good for the skin and hair. Stinks to high heaven though. I am testing it now and even with only about a week and half cure time, it is very mild.

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Does anyone on here use a bar shampoo? I did make one that got rave reviews (I believe it may have been from the Whisk) and it made my scalp flakey. Ended up just using it as a bath soap. Even scented it "Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific" for those of you old enough to remember that great old shampoo!! I loved that stuff.


Shampoo bars are all I use. It's all I've used for about a year now. I rarely need to use a rinse, but we have a pretty good water treatment system in our house so our water is really soft. I use an apple cider vinegar rinse about once every 10 days or so. I also use my own conditioner also.

In fact I think the only real "cosmetic" type of product I BUY is my lipstick and mascara.. Everything else is something I make myself. :)

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I make a shampoo bar and use it also.

IMO- what makes them shampoo bars are the oils, essential oils and castor oil to change the lather properties from bubbly soap to a thick lather.

There is a very apparent difference in my regular bars compared to my shampoo bars when it comes to the thickness of the lather.

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