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how much soy?

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Put your empty jar on a digital scale, write down the weight. Then pour water into it, weight it again. Subtract the weight of the empty container and the full container, and it will give you the amount of ounces of wax you need to fill it.

You can find this info and a handy calculator on the side tab of this forum under "general information." ~HTH


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using 415@5.5oz your amount of oil should only be .5oz or 1/2oz that's about all it will hold. for an 8oz jar use 6oz wax and 1/2oz of fo that will make 6.5oz

that is what most people put in there jj's around here.

the way i was doing it came out to 6.25, so you think i'm using to much fo?3/4oz. fo

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the way i was doing it came out to 6.25, so you think i'm using to much fo?3/4oz. fo

I'd say you're using too much. General rule of thumb is 1lbs of wax to 1oz. of FO. Some people use 1/2 oz. to 1lbs wax or as much as 1.5oz Fo to 1lbs of wax. Using 6.25 oz and 3/4 of FO is too much. It's putting you over the 1.5 FO max which can cause your wick to clog and you'll either get a candle that can be a fire hazard, one that won't burn, or will give you no fragrance at all.

Try using 1/2 oz of FO to 6.25 oz of wax.

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so, should I just melt 8oz. soy and then add 3/4oz. fo? Would that be better? I dont want to have any fire hazards. Also, for my 16oz. jars, i use 14.50oz. soy and 1.50fo, is that still to much? Or should I melt 1# of soy and add 1.5oz. fo?

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Ok how bout you do things an easier way? Make 1# of wax, add either 1/2 oz, 1 oz, or 1.5 oz of FO. If you have two 8 oz jars then pour them both. If you have any wax left over (which I wouldn't think you will) pour the remainder into tart molds or into aluminum foil. Once that hardens, pop it out, and weight it on a scale. Subtract that amount from 1# and you'll know what you need to make two 8 oz. candles. Only problem with this method is if you're using 1.5 oz of FO, you'll need to re-calculate what you would need for whatever amount of wax you'll be using in the future... I don't know if I've lost you yet!

As for your 16oz. jars, using 14.5 of wax to 1.5 FO is too much. For that equation you would use 1.35 oz. of fragrance. ~HTH

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FWIW: I am new and do not have a scale:

I made 2 small 8 oz test candles over the weekend to test 2 different new FO's.

For each seperate candle;

I took a glass measuring cup and measured 10 oz of the ezsoy.

I put it in the pot and added 1/2 T of white beeswax to the ezsoy.

I let it heat up to 175F and added 1/2 oz of FO, and stirred like mad off the heat.

I let the wax cool to 100 degrees and poured it into 1 8 oz warmed container. Usually I cool to 98F but the beeswax made the pour a bit hotter.

JS fo so the throw was not as intense as BCN but Hubbly liked it and he has a better nose than me.


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It's much easier to think in percentages. Here's how I do it.

I know that my container (says its 9oz but it holds 6.8 oz)

If I want to use a 6.25% fo load (1oz fo ppw) I calculate like this:

100 - 6.25 = 93.75% (<==this is my percentage of wax)

93.75% (wax) + 6.25% (fo) = 100% (candle)

So I know that to make my candle, I need 93.75% wax and 6.25% fo which calculates like this:

6.8 * 93.75% = 6.375 oz wax

6.8 * 6.25% = .425 oz fo

6.375 + .425 = 6.8

Now - if I want to make a bunch of candles, I can use my *formula* to increase the amount of wax and fo I need to make the batch.

I have another container that holds 7.5 (it's an 11oz container). Since I already have my formula (from above) the calculation looks like this:

7.5 * 93.75% = 7.03 oz wax

7.5 * 6.25% = .47 oz wax

7.03 + .47 = 7.5

Hopefully that make sense. Since I make soap and other B&B items, I have to think in percentages so I do this for candles as well and it makes it soooo much easier!


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