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Anyone live in the Louisville, KY/Southern Indiana area?


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Just wanted to share info about a class I am thinking of taking thru the Louisville, KY high school system and thought maybe if there was anyone on here from the area that you might be interested. What caught my eye was the part about design and set up booth. I am not very good in this area. It is Art Marketing II class and the description says gain even more insight about marketing your own creations. Pricing your work will be a focus of this class. Learn where the best arts and crafts shows are held and find out how to design and set up a booth. It is one evening for four weeks and the cost is $89. Class starts on Thursday, November 2nd. Their website is: www.lifelonglearning4u.com and telephone # is (502) 485-3400. I know I could be wasting my money, but if I can get some help on setting my booth up it may be worth it. Sorry for being so long.

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I would have never known about it if my brother who no longer lives with me had not received the brochure of classes at my house. I just called about it and found out that four people have to sign up for it or they will cancel it. Once I sign up there will be three of us. Sure hope a fourth person signs up.

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Wish I lived nearby, I'd be that fourth person to attend! I'm always trying to think of ways to make my booth more appealing. Thanks for offering to share any pointers you learn if the class is a go!!!!

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As a former Comm Ed instructor, you might also check and see if:

1) they will waive the 4 person requirement;

2) allow the 3 people that are currently signed up to pay an additional $30 each (if they are willing to make up the 4th person fees) so that 'the show can go on'.

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