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Deep Desire for Essential Oil Candle

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I know Essential Oils are not the best way to fragrance a candle, but if anyone out there has had the least bit of luck using essential oils I would sure be happy to hear about it. I am trying a new jar. It holds about 300g of wax so I am guessing its about 10oz. I have been using an 18oz elevation jar, but I just had to try something with STRAIGHT sides. I use Blue Grass 100% soy wax and started doing my testing in this 10oz Metro Jar with an HP83. (I am putting in 18g of FO which is about 6.5%) The jar is 3" across. If you can suggest the EO's and the wick size I would be forever grateful!


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The HTP will be too small for a 3" jar if you are adding fragrance and or color. You may have to jump up to the HTP 105. As far as EO's go, I hear they dont throw well in straight soy, but I really have no clue. I think you are suppose to use less than the amount you would normally use with FO's. Maybe try a 1/2 oz (around 1tbl) of EO per 10oz of wax. I think that should be around 5%.

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Unfortunately in straight soy you are gonna just have to test EO's.......some will work, a lot won't. The ones I found to work the best in 100% soy were patchouli, a mix of eucalyptus/spearmint, lavender and a mix of rosemary/mint. Peppermint and most citrus EO's would give off a fuel smell and fade very fast. These are the only ones I used, so I can't help on any others. Good luck!!

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Don't give up with the E.O's

I can't recommend any wicks for you as all my E.O candles have been in 4 oz deep tins so far, & I use a different soy wax.

I've had pretty good success with Patchouli, Eucalyptus, Peppermint & Lemon (for sinus problems) Rosemary, Petitgrain...gorgeous,& some others but I don't have my notes to hand.

I've sometimes found E.O's work better in tarts than the candles even if the combinations are the same. Pillars are very much harder & I'm still working on them.

Good luck in your endeavours & remember to keep notes!


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Doing EO blends are always a good idea and selling point.

Maybe get an aromatherapy book if you don't already have one and see what all the different EO's are good for and you can come up with some blends. If you stick to the basics you can make some nice blends. To get some good quality EO's can get pricey, ie Rose or neroli, but the basics can be reasonable in price. Good luck. Learning about EO's is quite interesting. Enjoy.

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I make a lot of EO candles for remedies. EO's have to be wicked up due to the heaviness of the oils. Each oil is a different weight so it will take a lot of testing. Especially when you try to make synergy blends. You have to have an understanding of EO's to understand the top,middle and base notes to even consider blending them. Some of them just cannot be mixed or even successfully burned with flame. That is why a lot of aromatherapists use diffusors to heat them instead.

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