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White spots in soy

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Well, I have finally got the wicking problem I was having with my soy candles solved. I have found that I really do not need to wick them up compared to paraffin. They are burning great and the scent throw is great. My only problem is the white spots on the containers. Sometimes it looks like frost, sometimes it looks like somebody poured milk around the edge of the container. The gallery that I sell to has requested these candles and I have been working day and night trying to get these right. I finally have a great burning candle but they do not look so hot. I have tried preheating the containers and using them room temp. Still the same effect. I have poured at 155 and slightly hotter. Still the same effect. My next plan is to cut back on the fo. I hate to do this because I am getting a great scent throw, but I am at a loss as to what to do now. Any suggestions?


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That is frosting and itis just the way soy is and there really is not much you can do about it other than to add some paraffin or BW or switch to some kind of soy blend but then you have to start your testing all over. With soy, you learn to deal with frosting. I wouldn't worry about it since it does not affect the candle or burn. It is a good way to tell though that the candle is actually soy. :wink2:

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Hi Tammy,

I was having that same problem so I did some research about it & it was suggested to leave out the additive and pour at around 95F. I poured my test candle on Saturday and the result was a smooth top and no frosting. The down side is you still get the cauliflower top after burning. I am new to soy. I have only used parafin until now.



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Frosting occurs naturally in soy wax. It does hurt the way the candle burners it just affects the look. So people add beeswax to their soy candles to help with frosting (not sure on the % & I have only heard this) but I have learned to embrace frosting).

Some of my customers actually look for it in my candles. Now, one thing to remember that some fragrance oils will frost more than others. I have found that oils that are spicer or have cinnamon in them will frost more than others.

If you don't like frosting you could try switching to a blend.

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What kind of wax are you using? I have been getting weird white/gray splotches on my colored candles. Not like frosting. It looks like what you describe, like milk left in the glass before you poured. I can't figure it out. I use ecosoya pure, always have, and this has never happened before. So I am using this wax for my uncolored candles. Then it acts fine. I am into a different box now (same lot #) but will try it again. I also had cracking with this lot which I have never had before with my colored candles. I think I either got a bad batch or they changed it somehow. But, there again, it is just with my colored candles. It doesn't crack when I leave it uncolored. I didn't realize when I started making candles several years ago, that there was going to be this on-going detective work to find the culprit. It keeps it interesting though! My DH wonders why don't I just quit, to many problems etc. Well, I am an addict and this is what I do. When I come faced with a problem I try to figure it out, obsess about it, and work my way around it. Never did it cross my mind to QUIT! ~Dana

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The frosting bothers me more than customers.I think they know what it is by now.Still I don't like it.My problem is my basement and also sometimes I forget and after shows I am so tired I leave my candles in our cargo trailer.Right now they don't look bad but went to my basement last night and my brown candles are frosting.

For me it is the darker colors like someone mentioned and I am sure certain FO's.Just I need to be more careful.Really though when you go to a show that is real hot or one that is real cold you can bet after that show or if not during your candles could frost.I have had that happen.


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I dug out some of my banana nut bread and sweet pumpkin spice candles last night and they were full of frosting. LynneS, you are right, it occurs for me more often than not on my brown or dark colored candles (well, it's actually much more visible on them). Some of the BNB candles were frosted pretty bad so I am going to sell them as "fugly" candles at my open house and knock the price down a little bit on them. Yep, frosting bugs the hell out of me, too.

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