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Pillar Wicking Finally Got It!!!


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I've been trying wick after wick after wick for months and I finally got a wick that is giving me pretty much a self consuming burn.:bliss: I used the Hobby Lobby paraffin with stearic and vybar. It's wicked with a 62-52-18Z. It's not leaving much of a shell at all not sure you can tell from the pic. This is after 3 4 hour plus burns. Any way I am really excited about it lol & the pics not the best.Thanks For looking.


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I'm not going to have to hug this one. The melt pool is good after 3 test burns I've only melted about 3/4 inch total from the height. As far as the scent throw not sure on this one yet. This was some left over wax that I was just experimenting with. It is sugar cookie and I added more wax to it so it doesn't have a very strong scent to it. I'm going to make another one with the appropriate amount of fo. As soon as find my stearic and vybar in all of this mess :angry2:

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congrats!!! Remember to hug it as well after each burn.

Hi Carrie, I see this a lot about hugging a candle, but before I joined this board never even knew of this technique. I don´t expect many customers know about it or quite frankly want to be bothered with hugging a candle, so I am just asking if it is not better to leave a candle alone and see how it burns without the hugging technique. Would like to know your thoughts on the matter.

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I'm not going to have to hug this one. The melt pool is good after 3 test burns I've only melted about 3/4 inch total from the height. As far as the scent throw not sure on this one yet. This was some left over wax that I was just experimenting with. It is sugar cookie and I added more wax to it so it doesn't have a very strong scent to it. I'm going to make another one with the appropriate amount of fo. As soon as find my stearic and vybar in all of this mess :angry2:
That looks like a good burn. I would be interested to know what it looks like after a few more burns. Please post pics. Thanks.
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Hi Carrie, I see this a lot about hugging a candle, but before I joined this board never even knew of this technique. I don´t expect many customers know about it or quite frankly want to be bothered with hugging a candle, so I am just asking if it is not better to leave a candle alone and see how it burns without the hugging technique. Would like to know your thoughts on the matter.

Personally I like to hug candles. I havent came across a self consuming candle myself. I always get the buldge if I dont hug it. But if ladysg says she got hers to work, then thats awesome!!!

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