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Need help emergency!


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Please don't think I sound tacky or unprofessional but last week I asked for help for ideas for a juried show.I got all the answers I need from all of you and was ready.Got my application and was told ASAP for pics and application fee.WELL a huge problem I have a major emergency.Had to cancel one show this week but DON't want to cancel this juried one next week.It is only 8 miles and big.I can do the pictures but don't know how to put on paper.My husband is in bad shape but better today.He passed out a work and no one was there and has no idea how long he was out.He had to have clamps in his head. Company trying to save money and worked him alone.But the other problem he has pneumonia and MIGHT be home tomorrow but with heart disease not sure. So see things are bad but next week-end it will be better.I see things getting better.I want to get on with the show.

So my question is: I know it is best not to give my website out to them BUT I have NO time and maybe if they understand and see my products will they consider this and see what I make and sell.I am at the hospital 5-7 hours and then doing other things to catch up at home.Calls coming in from his work and others checking and contacting family(still need to call more).Just very upset and depressed.:sad2:

They know me in my community so maybe they will understand.I don't want to go without trying because things will be better but if worse I can always cancel if I am accepted.I know they do not have to take this idea but just need something and I know you guys will let me know if I am WRONG or RIGHT to think about this.

I will listen to all of you.PLEASE HELP ME.


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Do u use a digital camera with a small disk inserted in it? If so go to a copy place or Wally World and make you some hard copies of the photos. That would be the best way if you don't know how to get them on paper.

You will have them on paper if you can go do that. Usually the machine is around the photo section or close. If you need help get some from the photo section. They can help.

Hope that helps you.:D


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If you don't have access to print out any pictures (even from your website) then I guess short of taking polaroid pictures or having them developed at 1 hour photo, would be to give them your website. If you just need to show them product itself and not displays or you actually making the product then I guess that would have to suffice. I'm not really sure what to tell you other than that. did they give you any guidlines at all? usually they like to see 2-3 photo's, they should have given you a guidlines/rules sheet or something.

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They didn't ask to show me making candles but just pics.I have thought about going to 1 hour photo.Do remember K-Mart having that but when the person took them in was told we are busy so have to wait longer or else the next day.The show is next week-end and just got application Saturday but the emergency happened Sunday. So haven't had much time at all.

Going to get onto something.I can transport myself if I get in the show as long as husband is back to work or can stay home alone.This week when he gets home I will have to be nearby.The room spins and he is having a hard time breathing.I do see a light at the end of the tunnel after talking to nurse today.Leaving soon to see what is going on.

Thank you both.Just right now seems I am so bogged down.I guess not thinking straight.Everything is overwhelming at this point. I want to get in this show as years passed it was always full till this year.Wonder if this is good or bad?????Things are slow in this area.


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Can you take the pictures and have someone else take them and get them developed?

Take the application w/you to the hospital and fill it out there? And have whoever took the pictures to get developed bring them to your there?

If you really want to do this show that is what I suggest doing. Because sometimes people can be very unsympathetic and if there is a lot of competion for your spot they might over look you if you don't have the pictures in front of them.

I hope that your hubby has a speedy recovery!

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I am going to take some pics and go to the one hour thing.My friend and husband tried to tell me how to do the digital but I need to be shown.That is one thing I wanted my husband to show me before he got sick but then was working 12 hours shifts and slowing I bet getting sick.

I agree about what they are saying ASAP because they need to look over the pics and others might be wanting the same spot like mentioned .First come first serve.

Got good news husband was breathing better today but when I got to hospital still on oxygen.He was told by the doctor it will be a long time before he recovers.He thought it was in left lung only but both lungs and in 2 chambers and there are 3 chambers.Also he was told the infection is no better than when he came in and they are not happy.I am still going for this show.I have a glimmer of hope we will do it and cannot give up.

Thank you for all the replies.There are a couple more juried shows and bigger than this one but farther away.They are the day after Thanksgiving craft shows and people say they are huge. Going for one of those.


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I agree eugenia not botheringto look.It was just that I was wanting them to see what I have and was really up tight.Not thinking but exception/emergency.If I don't get in for sure I will be telling them to keep me in mind next year but husband is home and he can sit in front of computer.Now we will get it done.Still no better(but stronger since IV's). They sent him home and he has plenty of meds and appointments the next 2 weeks.

Was told he was lucky to be alive and his kidneys were shutting down.I said "you better listen to me from now on".He said "no" I will just go and won't have to be told over and over.He told me to get him drinks(water and pop) and after I took him to hospital I found them full.I thought he was drinking.To weak to wake up.He had slept almost 14 hours on Saturday but got up to work on Sunday morning and thought he felt better.

Thank you for all the suggestions and the concern for my husband.I can tell you (like most of you probably know) it is real hard seeing someone so sick.I have seen him with a heart attack and other heart procedures but this was the worst so far.He said the pain with the pneumonia and shortness of breath was unbearable.

Tomorrow he will help me.I can take the pics and set up my display. Also with him home he has time to teach me how to do the pics.I want to be able to do it for my website.I do the wording but not the pictures.

Thank You


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I agree eugenia not botheringto look.It was just that I was wanting them to see what I have and was really up tight.Not thinking but exception/emergency.If I don't get in for sure I will be telling them to keep me in mind next year but husband is home and he can sit in front of computer.Now we will get it done.Still no better(but stronger since IV's). They sent him home and he has plenty of meds and appointments the next 2 weeks.

Was told he was lucky to be alive and his kidneys were shutting down.I said "you better listen to me from now on".He said "no" I will just go and won't have to be told over and over.He told me to get him drinks(water and pop) and after I took him to hospital I found them full.I thought he was drinking.To weak to wake up.He had slept almost 14 hours on Saturday but got up to work on Sunday morning and thought he felt better.

Thank you for all the suggestions and the concern for my husband.I can tell you (like most of you probably know) it is real hard seeing someone so sick.I have seen him with a heart attack and other heart procedures but this was the worst so far.He said the pain with the pneumonia and shortness of breath was unbearable.

Tomorrow he will help me.I can take the pics and set up my display. Also with him home he has time to teach me how to do the pics.I want to be able to do it for my website.I do the wording but not the pictures.

Thank You


I am glad to hear that he is home. I wish him a speedy recovery!

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