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I am losing my sense of smell

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I have been making cadles all yesterday and testing my candles and I seem to have lost my sense of smell. I am worried that I haven't put enough frag. in them. I am using 1oz to 1.5 oz depending on the strength of the FO per 1.25 lb of wax. Does this happen to everyone. I am getting nervous my candles won't be strong enough.

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I have the same prob, so the FO's that are super strong really shine at that time. If I can still smell it, I know it's a keeper! Try putting your test burn candle in a smaller room, away from where you pour. Before you go to check the hot throw, step outside for a few minutes and soak up the fresh air. Then go check. That's what I do and it seems to help. Or maybe it's your wax or FO's. They could possibly not be strong or have good throw from the getgo? Maybe someone else has a better idea? ~HTH

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it happens to most of us........walk away and be outside for awhile...........smell fresh coffee beans......give a test candle to a friend who is not smelling them all day...........

just make sure you are NOT exceeding the wax manufacturer's fragrance reccomendation because then it becomes a safety issue..........



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I have been making cadles all yesterday and testing my candles and I seem to have lost my sense of smell. I am worried that I haven't put enough frag. in them. I am using 1oz to 1.5 oz depending on the strength of the FO per 1.25 lb of wax. Does this happen to everyone. I am getting nervous my candles won't be strong enough.

You probably should let them cure awhile before burning them, unless your testing out wicks.

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