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Can M&P be made into liquid soap?


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Is there a way to make M&P soap into a liquid soap? I have and always have soaps that have defects in them, like a fuzzy or hair, is there a way to make them into liquid soap? This way I can use the liquid soap for the family and for washing out my pour pots.

Thanks A Bunch


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I don't know how it is possible to make MP into liquid unless you add a ton of water which is prone to mold, or a ton of oil which will do nothing but make your skin slick and greasy. Have you thought of buying a nice liquid base? There are so many good ones out there.

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Believe it or not I do all of that. I have a separate room, and noone is allowed in (supposedly). I keep all animals out, even the hairy man!! I even have an air purifier. I think sometimes, it's already in the clamshell, which is what I pour into. When I used to use the ones from WSP, I had alot!! I honestly believe the fuzzies were in there to begin with. Those little devils are very staticy (sp) and attract everything! Then sometimes, I think that the little fuzzies are on whatever I am wearing. I even bought a button up mans shirt to wear, and still the darned fuzzies still get in. I get more fuzzies than hair.

I just thought I could find another use for the soap instead of washing hands and the shower.



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I take a a soap pump and fill it with about an inch of plastic beads (the ones the size of a pencil eraser). fill about 2/3 full of left over soap shavings and the rest of the way with warm water. Shake occasionly and it turns into liquid soap. add shavings and water as needed.

my first post yay!!!!

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I know that it is a pain but what about chopping them up and making chunky soaps?

chunky soaps are fun!

I made some lastnight fomr shavings and chunks of a pineapple cp I did and poured clear mp over it and it looks like real pineapple chunks...

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Yep, just cut out those dang fuzzies (I've had a few myself-drives me nuts!!) and chunk up the soap and make some funky and fun new soap with all the chunks.

I do this on purpose ALL the time believe it or not. :D I love making new and different looking soaps, and make a ton of chunks, curls, shreds, etc. to add that little pizzazz!!

You could always blow out the clams with a cool blowdryer before pouring, that may help a bit also.

My jar lids with the liners in them are forever having fuzzies (from Goodness Knows where????) stuck on them-their like fuzzies static magnets-ugh!!

And that's just fresh out of the box, so like I said, I have NO CLUE where they are coming from-those dang fuzzy monsters!!!! LOL

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My jar lids with the liners in them are forever having fuzzies (from Goodness Knows where????) stuck on them-their like fuzzies static magnets-ugh!!

And that's just fresh out of the box, so like I said, I have NO CLUE where they are coming from-those dang fuzzy monsters!!!! LOL

The box fuzzies are the worst. :yes:

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I agree with what one person said.Get a base.I buy a liquid soap base.Straight from the gallon to the bottle.I make sure I put foil around the pump when I am done so nothing gets inside.


I love my soap and it lasts forever.Longer than my bar soaps.

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swimswamswum, how long does it last once made? It sounds like it would get nasty after a few days even if it was tightly sealed.

I replace water as needed - and add soap as needed- it does not go bad or anything. I have a bottle at each of my sinks. It is not something I would sell, but it is a great way to use up my shavings and bits.

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