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My First Liquid GM Soap!


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:yay: :yay: So excited about this batch being my first and all. It behaved like the cp gm soap when I added the milk and this time I used half and half. I didn't dilute the canned gm and subbed it for half the water...it worked out very well. It's a very dark molasses color until I added the borax.

I haven't decided on a fragrance but I'm thinking coffee because of the color. I experimented with warm vanilla sugar mixed with sunwashed linen just to see how it would react. Loads of bubbles and creamy!

Well, thanks for looking and happy soaping!:yay:

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Thanks:D It does feel and smell fabulous and has huge bubbles. My husband saw all the thick and creamy later and said WOW that's nice and smells great!...oh how I love liquid soap:drool: I don't have to worry about curing space (which I am out of) because it can be made, scented, bottled and sold all in one day!..LOL also, I have found just the right combination of oils to speed up trace so it doesn't take hours and I've cut a few other steps as well and it's a lot easier now.

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Very every nice, Wish I could do that. I have only made7 batchs and the first 2 had to be thrown out. Looks fo thick and luscious. Just the way Ilike my bath gels.

Oh, you can do it. Were all 7 batches gmls? Oh and this soap has a creamy texture not gelled at all which is exactly as I wanted it because my intentions were to make a facial soap. My first facial soap is very nice but I had to try the gm too!

I'm no expert but if you'd like some help I'm sure I can take a moment to guide you. In the mean time I really need to find a huge electric pot. I would do stove top but It's not comfy for me. I need to triple my recipe.


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Thanks everybody! this was so much fun and once you get the hang of it, it's really easy:wink2: and that smell you get from gm is only present a few minutes while it is cooking. There is no trace of it in the finished soap and did i say how well it holds fo's?..just beyone crazy about LS.

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looks awesome!

when do you add the GM? also...may i ask how much FO you use? is it a % of the finished LS? i have been doing 2% of the finished soap weight.

do you find that LS "mellows" with age, like bar soap? it seems to me that with the few batches i have made, my hands seem dry after using when i would test the soap after it was all done, but now a couple weeks later, it doesn't seem as drying....is this just my imagination?

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looks awesome!

when do you add the GM? also...may i ask how much FO you use? is it a % of the finished LS? i have been doing 2% of the finished soap weight.

do you find that LS "mellows" with age, like bar soap? it seems to me that with the few batches i have made, my hands seem dry after using when i would test the soap after it was all done, but now a couple weeks later, it doesn't seem as drying....is this just my imagination?

I've been using 1% of the finished soap. I may go a tad bit higher if the fragrance is on the weak side. I've never noticed any drying after using it. I have it in my shower and use it everyday. I have noticed that it feels different based on the recipe used. The gm is incredibly smooth and creamy. I have noticed that when it is left to sit for a few weeks without thickening, it will thicken a bit on it's own and become slightly gelled.

I added the GM at the applesauce stage. It helps to be familiar with your recipe so you will have a feel for the next stage. In this recipe the applesauce stage only lasts for a few minutes while I'm blending. I read that it should be added when there is still enough lye to saponify the milk fat. And to my surprise it worked!;)

Again, I am not an expert and have learned that sometimes when you break a few rules, incredible recipes are born. I should call this the superfat gm soap because I had a lot of leftover oils that I combined to use for superfatting bar soap and it so happened that it came out to be just under the amount needed for a LS recipe. I threw some extra oil in and a new recipe was born:D I wasn't expecting it to really work..LOL but i wrote it down anyway. I forgot to add that there are instructions for adding goats milk on the snowdrift farms site.

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