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I keep getting requests to put my items in consignments stores. I have never considered it until now. I think it would be good to get my name out. How many of you do this? I am a bit confused how it works. Do I give them to the store at my regular price or wholesale? They said I could give them as much or as little as I want. Also, can someone send me an example of a consignment contract or packet? I have no idea what to put it in it. Any help would be greatly appreciated! TIA.

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IMO, I will never do consignment again.

You put your items in the store, the store sells them for your set retail price and then the store receives a percentage of the sale (20-30% roughly)

It can be very tricky and make sure that you do have an agreement in place between you and the store (percentage, who's responsible for damage to your items, etc)

It could be a good thing, you never know.

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I do a consignment with a state park in the area and it went very well, Its just a summer consignment because its in a tourist area, but heck, I sold quite a bit to them with private labels that reflected the place it is at (old military fort from the 1800's).

I figured since it was just for 4 months I would try it. If nothing else, it wouldnt be forever.......and it was worth the chance.

What I did is told them what I had to get for the candles (wholesale cost) and she added her profit in after.

HTH - Pam


ps- I added the link so you know what I am referring to when I say the state park.

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Sometimes you have to do it when you're new and just getting started. Start out with a small amount and remember that the candles are yours and the store owner will not take care of them like you would. I don't do them anymore unless I have to because I really don't think you come out ahead. I have done some for 20-30% commission to store. Good-luck!

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Like many of the other posts we will never, never do consignment again. We tried it I believe six times; only one was satisfactory. The others did not treat our candles as thoughj they had anything ($) invested in them; plus, shrinkage and inventory shortages we ate. Again, they could care less. Never again. The only consignment that was ok lasted for four years. Profitable for us. The owner of the business never came in, so the employees ran the shop. They went bust.

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i actually own a consignment store in pittsburgh, pa.

when we sell items that come in we do a percentage. it's 40% 60%. (we get 60%) however, when it comes to handmade items, as in your candles, the percentage changes. it turns into 30% 70% in your favor. i don't know if you'd find many stores to sell your candles and receive the full 100%. there's a fee basically to have your items be in someone elses store.

oh i want to add.. being that i make candles myself i'm not like other owners of consignment stores that don't take care of candles. :wink2: when items are taken care of they'll sell.. if they look like crap *i* don't profit from it either.

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Run Run And Ruuuuuuuuuuuun!! Don't Look Back Either...lol

I've Heard To Many Horror Stories On Consignment Shops....

Ppl Not Getting Paid, No Coverage On Your Products If The Building Was To Get On Fire, Or Flood Or Whatnot....stolen Products Not Covered...you Name It...it's A Major Headache And So Not Worth It.

It's Better For The Store To Just Wholesale It From You...rather Than Consign It.



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I know most of you all disagree with consignment, but this lady is just starting a store about an hour away from me. She said she doesn't want to buy wholesale until she knows that they will sell. She said we can work it into the contract that we will try it out for 2 mons. and if they sell, she will buy them wholesale. She has even offered to pay me to teach a beading class once a month + the cost of the items. I just thought it would be a good opportunity to get my name out there. Let me know what you all think.

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I know most of you all disagree with consignment, but this lady is just starting a store about an hour away from me. She said she doesn't want to buy wholesale until she knows that they will sell. She said we can work it into the contract that we will try it out for 2 mons. and if they sell, she will buy them wholesale. She has even offered to pay me to teach a beading class once a month + the cost of the items. I just thought it would be a good opportunity to get my name out there. Let me know what you all think.

Do your suppliers let you have supplies on consignment, only asking for payment when your products sell? Do you tell your suppliers you don't want to pay for fo until you know if it will sell?

People have already let you know what they think. No matter how many times you ask, the answers will most likely be the same.

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Do your suppliers let you have supplies on consignment, only asking for payment when your products sell? Do you tell your suppliers you don't want to pay for fo until you know if it will sell?

People have already let you know what they think. No matter how many times you ask, the answers will most likely be the same.

wow that really sunk in...you really thought this one out...lol

true, amen to that...i sure wish suppliers would do that for us all!!! lol



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I know most of you all disagree with consignment, but this lady is just starting a store about an hour away from me. She said she doesn't want to buy wholesale until she knows that they will sell. She said we can work it into the contract that we will try it out for 2 mons. and if they sell, she will buy them wholesale. She has even offered to pay me to teach a beading class once a month + the cost of the items. I just thought it would be a good opportunity to get my name out there. Let me know what you all think.

I agree that in most cases consignment can be ugly. However, in some cases it can be very profitable. I think you should go with your gut instinct. If you are just starting out, this could be good for you. Be sure to have everything in a contract. Demand that the store be liable for damage and missing inventory, in writing. I have two consignment accounts that I have had since 1997, and they are still 2 of my highest selling accounts. These are the only consignment accounts I have, all others are wholesale. So, consignment isn't always a bad deal. You just have to be extra cautious. HTH.


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If you are going to do consignment, go with a well established store, make sure they are going to cover stolen or damaged items. Find out where and how they are going to display your items. Do not pay a fee. No more than 30% should be their take. They are saving themselves a bundle of money by not buying outright. I now do consignment with only some of my wholesale accounts that already by from me. If the product sells they will take it on wholesale. Yes I am sure that there are some consignment shops that do a good job, unfortunately IMO they a few.

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