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HELP!!! Black Pigment candle dye???

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Hello Cut-n-carvers or over dippers! LOL I need a true black candle dye for my cut-n-carve candles! Any suggestions? I currently use J&E Polish dyes, which you can also get from BCN and CW. The black thus far has taken almost a lbs of the dye to get me a dark grey! I want a true black! Before I start mixing purple or something of the sort, any suggestion? WHO and WHERE can I get a true black pigment dye! I don't care if it is liquid, powder, flakes, or brick as long as its economical and it works and there is a good way to measure for accuracy when adding to my vats!


God Bless,


Edited to add, if you dont mind sharing the costs of your black dye by the pound, Id apprecaite it! Thanks again!

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This pic sux but it will show ya I know what you mean. So far, this is just about all I am getting. Not even close to what we are looking for. First 3 dips in the black were gray. ( and I have it REALLY loaded up with the pigment) So if you find a real black, let me know. This one was pitiful without the glaze....and the "Auto Correct" feature for color.

Sorry about the quality of the photo.


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Hi Michael, Thanks for sharing! I have been playing with the black tonight. I havent carved any candles yet but have been dipping scraps of wax to test. I am now up to 1/4 lb of the black, from the same source...but I went through the sources source to order the dye! LOL ALOT cheaper!! I have come up with a decent black with four dips. Now, that is too much dye considering a lb is supposed to color approx. 300-500 lbs of wax!! For one vat, this is way too much dye to have to use! BUT........it might hold me over till I find something that works better! I am still fighting which wax to use! I know that I will NOT use 1343! I personally like the 4611 but that wax isnt good for much of anything else! The good points to it is that you dont need micro wax, which as you know for US, we cant get normal 175-180mp microwax!! John said that we have to buy it buy the pallet which could be way too expensive for us starter outters! LOL IF I can get the 1239 to work without the micro and the molting, that is what I am going to use. The 4611 stays softer longer so you just have to learn to carve faster with the 1239. I will be doing some testing again here in the next few weeks with only 4611 and Ill see if the black works better in that and Ill be testing teh 1239 with NO microwax and see how the molting and layering goes! Trial and error!! Since we use 11-12lbs of wax per vat, its a expensive test! LOL

I am also going to see about making my own dolphin molds as I can not find any thus far that are cheap enough that are a appropriate size. Safari Ltd. no longer carries the same dolphins and you have to buy in large bulk. Ill let you know after I order my mold making supplies and make a mold for the dolphins and see how they look/work in case you are interested.

Oh, I will be calling both candlewic.com and BCN regarding some of their dyes. Candlewic has one that claims to be better than the CM dyes, which is what we use and they use the maufactures where our dye comes from. Their price is 25.70 a unit. Im not sure HOW much in volume their units are! LOL

BCN has a Pitch Black dye that I want to call and find out if it would be acceptable for cut-n-carve candles. We surely dont need layering problems! LOL Ill let you know what I find out when I call next week. Thus far, those are the two that I have found that dont use the same source as where our black comes from. Im all for cutting costs without quality whenever I can!!

Ok, enough for now! Thanks again for your imput! Im hoping Bruce will chime in here and give his opinions on a great black to use for the cut-n-carve! Ive seen some of his blacks and they look great! Bruce........are you out there?

Take care and God Bless,


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Hi Top, the microwax that I use has to be a lower melt point such as around 140. Most micro waxes are 180mp. This is not acceptable as the melter is set at 170 degrees and the microwax would not melt properly. Remember, that these are cut-n-carved candles that I am trying to dye! LOL

I hope I answered your question for you! Thanks for looking!

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Im not a pigment kind of guy... I use dye so I'm not going to be much help at all for you.

The best way to buy pigment is powder and not many places sell it in powder form. I was told a company in NY has the best price on pigment powder, but when I learned this I was given the name and number but they didn't have a web site. That was about 5 years ago and who knows where that note is now, but you might just start looking up pigments on the net. You have to use a lot of pigment to get that thick rich color so I don't think a half pound of pigment is too much for your smaller vat size. The pigment in solid form (wax or steric base) is more for beginners so you get charged way way too much for the stuff. You could make the same using powder pigment for a fraction of what you are paying now... making the amount you have to use much more economical to get your true black. Bruce

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Thanks Bruce. I have been having a hard time finding Powdered Pigment Dyes but will keep searching the net knowing that this really is the better choice. I think it would be so much easier also to keep a consistency to the coloring since I could easily measure out the dye! If you happen across that dye company, I sure would appreciate the info.

God Bless YOU for sharing a trade secret! LOL


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