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Can I make tarts with leftover wax? Im using wax 1275 from C&S sometimes I have some left over thats already scented and colored and I hate to waste it! Ive been just saving it in baggies after it hardens but it seems like it would be better to just pour it into tart molds?

What other types of wax can you use for tarts? Votive wax?

Thanks for the help,


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If it's container wax, I'd say no. It is so hard to get out of the melter. But if your just using it yourself or to give to a family member, and they know to pour it out of the melter while it still in liquid form when they are done with it, go for it!

Personally, for my container wax, I keep a few tart tray molds out and every time I have any leftover wax I just pour into these. Then I keep them in bags according to scent. Then if I run short on a candle batch, i can melt these to finish off the job.....instead of having to make 3 oz more or some thing (which is a PITA!!)

Also use them if I get a small candle order.....IE: yesterday I got an order for 8- 4 oz. tins, each a different scent. I melted 4 "container" tarts in my presto for each and was done ! Didn't have to measure, weight, color..... Hate getting an order for 1 of something I don't have and having to go through all the steps for one little candle lol.


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