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oh no my soap


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:mad:Man I don't know what happen. The soap was at thin trace, I put in the fo. lilac. All of a sudden the soap looked like apple sauce or grainy not sure with big chuncks so i got the blender stick and whipped the --- out of it took a long time compared to what i am use to. Every time i stopped whipping it looked real wierd. Got to the point that it was time to pour or spoon into mold. I am not sure what will happen in the end. still did not look right. I used 4 oils olive coconut pko and plam. any one got idea what happen

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I don't have a lot of experience yet, but I've done lilac, and I know of what you write! Florals are apparently "notoriously difficult". You are describing ricing. And the thing I was told to do is what you did - whip the snot out of it to get it smooth again!

It only happened to me once, and I ended up with usable soap, but there were a few little whiter bits throughout it. These were not lye, just riced bits. So it wasn't pretty but I loved the smell so I used it!

There are some ways to help minimize this, I was told:

-soap with room temp lye and oils

-try adding the FO to the oils, not at trace

Don't know if they help, I haven't gone down the floral road since!

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This is the first my soap batch has riced. I guess I belong now. I love lilac and this is just for me. I took a look last night before I went to bed and it did jell so I think it is going to be alright. I will cut it a little later. Did not get a chance to color so it is just going to be white. Thank for you alls in put.

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I made a batch of lilac last weekend and it traced a little faster then normal but I didn't have any other problems with it. I used NG's Lilac. I was even able to get some lavender swirls in it....but I didn't get them dark enough and they don't show up real great. It was my first time working with ultramarines and oxides.

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I made a batch of lilac last weekend and it traced a little faster then normal but I didn't have any other problems with it. I used NG's Lilac. I was even able to get some lavender swirls in it....but I didn't get them dark enough and they don't show up real great. It was my first time working with ultramarines and oxides.

What is or who is NG's sorry don't know many suppliers yet. Thank for the info. I have not worked with those yet. Not sure where to get colorings and what kind to use. I don't want to spend money on colors that don't turn out right.

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