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advertising companies


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I have never paid for successful advertising and I've done it all. Paper, magazine, radio, telephone, you name it - I've spent the money on it!

Nothing does better for business than word of mouth and in order to get that you need to "spread yourself out" first, then offer great customer service and quality products - then they will beat down your door.

I would be interested to see if anyone has had any success with some of the advertising companies online however.

I do have a few accounts that actually hired PR companies (locally) and they have gotten their products into magazines and on tv networks like HGTV, E!, TLC, etc - but they really spent a pretty penny!!

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Just a thought, I just joined the Chamber of Commerce in my town and I am going to be doing their Annual Expo in a few weeks. As a member and participant in the Expo, I get TV, radio and newspaper exposure; as well as a spot on a commercial they do on Expo vendors they use on our local channels for a couple of months.

They also have networking meetings and twilight business dinners to meet other business owners and get your product out there. They provide a website tied into the chamber's site and your company is included in the mailer they send out in welcome packets to new members of the community, as well as a local magazine on things to do in our town that is placed at the chamber, in local businesses and in the tourism office. I am going to give it a shot, you may try contacting your chamber.

If anyone else participates in a chamber, I would love to hear your experiences.

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I'm a member with our local Chamber of Commerce (with my web design company) and have met some great people that I normally wouldn't of had contact with. Those people have in turn invited me to other events (Kiwanas for example) where I met more people that I've never met in our one-horse town in the past 7 years of living here. I would recommend going that route. It's a great way to network.

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