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candles and oil paintings?

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I had a lady at the show this weekend ask for soy candles because she has oil paintings in the house and can't have paraffin. I suggested a warmer and wickless candle and she asked if I had soy wickless. She couldn't have paraffin of any kind. I've never heard of this and have been searching for awhile and can't find any info on it. Is this a myth or is there any truth to it?

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I have oil paintings all over my house & have made & burned candles for the past 10 years. I have yet to see any 'damage' from candles. Sounds like the person she bought from suggested no parafin to keep them from being damaged?

Pam R

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She probably doesn't want her painting ruined and thinks the soot from candles will do that. I'll bet the painter used some really expensive brushes to get some beautiful brush strokes. You can tell when cheap brushes made from old feather dusters have been used to paint a picture. It's what differentiates the masterpieces from paint by numbers.

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It never ceases to amaze me how stupid some people really are. I mean some people are SO gullable and paranoid, they believe anything so long as it is on a web page and on the internet. I guess they think if it is on the web it is scripture...:laugh2: .

I had a lady tell me at my last show that paraffin was a leading cause in cancer. I told her the very air you breathe in can potentially cause cancer. Dang has this woman not heard of dust lol. She looked at me like I was nuts, the she turned around and walked off. When she turned her back, her jacket stated she was a member of a motorcycle gang. :confused: :rolleyes2 :laugh2:

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OK we've had those and we say nothing except hand out a thing called The Facts About Wax ... complete with legitimate links for people to look up.

Georgia the oil painting is new to me. Hell the spring season was all about needing soy for the bird lovers. Wonder if next will be that soy candles cut down on trash in the trash can. :rolleyes2

I bet soy would be great for dipping feather dusters though.

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I have a "facts of wax" sheet, too. I really thought she meant the soot from candles also...but she couldn't even have the paraffin wickless. :confused: I did some searching and couldn't find even one website to support that claim.

I'm thinking it was an anti-paraffin activist, too.

Thanks for the feedback.

Meridith, you might want to use your feather duster on your monitor so you can read the whole post before jumping in with pointless answers. She didn't want wickless either and they don't give off soot.

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Meridith, you might want to use your feather duster on your monitor so you can read the whole post before jumping in with pointless answers. She didn't want wickless either and they don't give off soot.

Its not pointless. Its off the wall. Back to my feather dusting!

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