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Clamshell Wax?


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I was just curious as to what type of wax everyone uses for clamshells? I tried pouring some today using an Embed wax, not expecting it to shrink so bad, so I didn't save any for a repour. Everyone of them that I poured ended up with a major shrink hole or shrinking all around the cavities of them. Maybe I should use a different wax? TIA Portia BTW: I poured these at around 150-160 degrees.

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I use a combination of 75% 4794(votive) and 25% J223(container)for my clamshells without any problems. I am not familiar with embed wax, but it sounds like it has a high melt point with that much shrinking going on. With my combo, I have minimal shrinking and don't do repours.


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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone ! I am very excited about trying my hand at candlemaking even if it is wickless. My belief is that tarts have a better throw and don't need as many supplies ( wicks , jars ect.) on hand for making them. What are your experiences ?

I made my first tarts with Joy Wax in mini muffin tins and they came out sticky; they were very hard to take out of the mold. Obviously I didn't know that I needed a pillar or votive type wax. I just ordered more Joy Wax and plan on using stearic acid to harden them up. I read somewhere though, that the stearic acid might cause the wax to stick to the clamshell ?

Please provide advise.... I love the fact that this forum is available to us ; )


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