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Name Contest! Winner gets Cut-n-carved candle!


Which form of FINE do you like best?  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. Which form of FINE do you like best?

    • Our Fine Crafted Indulgences
    • Our Finest Crafted Indulgences
    • Our Finely Crafted Indulgences

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Lynn if you do that you have to hang one of those goolie type pictures that has a scientist with a third eye in his forehead and put your name on it!!! That will keep them out, it will keep the from DISTURBING YOU because they will believe you are already DISTURBED

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

OTFRLMAO that time I cracked myself up, just thinking of this picture and your family thinking oh boy, we better stay out of there, something happened in there we all don't want to catch!!!

Too funny Judi! My workshop will be in my home! (Its now my kitchen) Does that mean if I use the word institution, which this nut house seems to qualify for, that people will not disturb me while I am working and acting like a mad scientist?? Heck, Ill even put up some crime scene tape if it would give me 5 minutes of uninterrupted peace! LOL Thanks for the suggestion my friend! LOL
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Reminder :bump:

These may have already been mentioned.... I did not read the whole post

Only Finely Crafted Indulgences

One Family Crafted Idea

Our Famous Crafty Identity

Our Family Crafted Itinerary

One Family Crafted Illusion

Our Finely Crafted Imaginations

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Not sure if any of these were already said:

Original Fine Crafted Indulgences

Only for crafty individuals

Only for creative individuals

Ornately Fine Crafted Indulgences

Ornate Fine Crafted Indulgences

Ornately finished Creative indulgences

Offer Fine Crafted Indulgences

Old-Fashioned Creative Indulgences

Old-Fashioned Crafted Indulgences

Open for creative indulgences

Our Favorite Crafted Indulgences

Our Favorite Creative Indulgences

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This contest ends TONIGHT at MIDNIGHT CST!! Hurry and get your final entries in!!

You MAY submit more than once as long as you don't repeat your own entries! The FIRST person who has submitted an entry that we choose to use as our company name will be the winner!! I see many repeats and as much as I would love to give every entry a carved candle, this is impossible!!! Even if multiple persons submitted the same chosen name, it will only be the very first person who submitted the entry who will win! I am clarifying this further as I have been PMed and asked!

FYI, in choosing a winner, we have been copying and pasting each and every entry and placing them in a list so in choosing possibilities, we have no idea Who's entry we are considering till we go back and look at the posts! This seems to be the fairest way possible. We have entries from other countries and carvers in this contest. IF one of their entries is chosen, it was done purely for their entry and NOT because of location or favoritism! I just wanted to clarify that in case we get other out of the country entries or if another carver were to win. NO decision has been made yet and we will wait till after midnight tonight to start considering the final winner!!

I wish each and everyone of you the best of luck! Keep those entries coming in till MIDNIGHT TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!

God Bless,


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:yay: Thank you everyone who has submitted an entry into this contest! No more entries will be allowed! Winner will be announced on or before October 14th! :yay:

Each and every one of you submitted great entries and I wish I could make every one of you a winner! Your input has helped me immensely! Please stay tuned to this thread and watch for the winner to be announced! It could be YOU!!

I will PM the winner to get contact information so that your Carved candle can be made and delivered to you! If you are an entrant and are not able to accept PMs on this board, Please be sure to watch this thread as when I announce the winner, I will give you an opportunity to email me your contact information!

Again, Thank YOU ALL!!:highfive:

God Bless,


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  • 4 weeks later...


Dallas Texaas Dean and Stoneheart, please forgive me as I will not be able to meet the deadline for getting your candles to you! Due to unforseen natural damages to our home and many of my supplies, I will have to wait till I can get an order of wax before I can make your candles! This is not something that I am pleased about and beg your forgiveness! YOU BOTH WILL BE GETTING YOUR CANDLES!! The damage to our home and supplies has made this beyond my control! Please forgive me and be patient!!

Thank you so much and God Bless,


P.S>If you want to know more about the natural disaster, please read my post in the off topic area!! Thanks again!

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