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"hired" help for shows


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I have a 2-day show coming up this weekend and for the first time I won't have family helping. Well, my son is going to help with set up Saturday morning but then a good friend (and customer) of mine is going to be helping. I feel I should pay her, but I have no clue how much or how. She will be working 12-7 Sat and 10-5 Sunday (with tear down :tongue2: ). I was thinking of offering her choice of cash or product, but do I offer a flat rate or a percent of sales? :confused: Any help?

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just follow your heart to what you feel is well worth it.

Depends on how your sales were, how busy and how much she helped.

I have had help few times, and in my experiences.

sometime there'll be hardly money made, and for you to say oh i'll pay you $50 bucks and you didn't even make that, then you just lost more money.

2nd....what if this person sat the whole time while you're sweating your butt off working. *had that happened to me* lol

soo that's my experience, I would just say, let's see how this show goes.

and follow your heart....it might be full of joy that you'll be generous.




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Here's what I do.

For a good size show I pay $20.00 a day plus I buy all of their food and drink for those day. At the last show I did this, my friend made $100.00 and ate very well. It had it's times of being busy but had lulls too.

For the show I'm doing next month~ I pay $40.00 + food and drink because it is non stop crazy for twelve hoursa day for three days. I base on what I can afford and how busy the shows are.

My help might be interested in SOME product but I know they need the money more than candles.:smiley2:


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