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Craft Fair Pix


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I have to agree with everyone else, your setup looks great and your candles look very professional. Maybe there were a lot of other candlemakers there or maybe it was where you were positioned, but unless your candles are really high priced, I can't see were you did anything wrong. Everything looks so great!

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I don't see anything wrong with your display so I'd have to chalk it up to the time of year. Soon as the season changes your sales will pick up. So don't be to hard on yourself, you did a great job, not your fault people aren't in that buying mood right now.

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Awesome set-up, it looks like it was probably not a very big show anyway...I would, personally, take all my product to my next show, you never know, the next one you might get slammed, also, a well stocked booth is inviting to customer....JMO


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Thanks for some positive feeback! That show did have a lot of candle booths in the same spot as me as I later found out. Did better in the next show and I have more coming up so I will see how well it goes from here on out.

Sorry to hear you were disappointed. :embarasse It certainly wasn't from a lack of effort on your part.

Reading the rest of the post did give me some ideas for the next show/s ....

(1) you might want to have a buddy look around (or a buddy you can trust to hold the fort down while YOU look around) at the fair in general to see where you're situated in relation to other booths/products, other candle makers, & main entry/pathways.

(2) When checking out the competition, you might want to make a mental note of what the others are doing to see if there's something you can do to make your products stand out from theirs.

(3) Also, check their pricing. If your candles are significantly priced higher than others, you might want to reconsider your price points.

(4) You might even want to chat w/ the competition to see how they're doing & maybe get some new ideas that might help w/ your sales the next go round.

(5) I think I read something that another crafter does .... make scented melts (is there any other kind?) or even votives that you can sell like 3 for a buck or something, maybe a variety package, so that ppl can check out your scents at a very low price. You could include a business card or something similar as part of the tag so if they like/love it, they can contact you directly.

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