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I'm taking the plunge!!!


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I've been reading and reading and printing and everything else.. I finally bought some Goats Milk M & P base and received it today.

So I'm going to pour a pound and give this a shot!

I'll be using Royal's Cotton Blossom as the scent...

If there is any advice for me... the time is now!!

Wish me luck!! :tiptoe: :D

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Don't overdo it with the FO. If you are going to color the soap, make sure to incorporate it well. Mix like mad! And as already mentioned, do not let your soap boil. LEt your soap fully harden too or they will be hard to get out of the mold. They also can be rubbery and lose the shape. GOOD LUCK! :D

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I made my first batch, and other than it cooling too fast.. It turned out OK !! By no means perfect, but I'll keep trying! I will make the next batch using a double boiler though! It might give me more time to add my colour and fragrance and blend it properly.

I am soooooooo used waiting for my soy wax to cool down before pouring, so this was totally different!!:tongue2:

I used a goats milk M & P base, and I love it... My skin is soooooooooooooooooooo soft, and lovely smelling!!.. Not that I didn't smell good before....:D .. but this is my very own soap!! Sooooooo cool!! :bliss: Another addiction... oh no!!!!;)

I used individual molds.. We have some plastic little containers that we had lying around, and they worked beautifully. I had ordered a mold but it was backordered, and I couldn't wait to try my base, so I made do!!

I lined the contaienrs with a tiny bit of olive oil, so the soaps popped right out!!

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CP soap... hmmmm I won't be in much of a hurry to start that yet as, being in Canada, it seems that we have a heck of time finding Lye.. or should I say having it shipped to us.. at least as far as I can tell. Did the research yesterday... so yes I am hooked!!:laugh2: So for the meantime I'll just stick with my M & P, and learn to pour it properly before it "freezes up" on me!!

And that's why there are no pics this time....one, out of the three soaps looked half decent, but even then ... I wanted to try a Tye-Dye on it, but didn't have time before it cooled! Next time I'll take pics----if they look alright!!!:D

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