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First container candle w/question

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Hi all! I made my first container candle last night and this morning I wake up to find that there is some kind of frosty streakiness going on. Here are pictures of it. Any idea what went wrong? I used Aztec's comfort blend wax and poured at 155 just like it said. The only thing I didn't do was heat up the jar before I poured. Oh, and I'd also like to know how long I let it cure before I can start test burning. Thanks!!

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You probably have what are called "jump lines". If I pour into a cold container, I get these too. Try heating up your jars before pouring and see if that helps!


Precisely, especially now that I can see the photo. Was the glass cool when you were pouring? Did you pour slowly into the container? Either of those things can cause the jump lines... You can warm the jars in the oven at the lowest setting while your wax is melting. when your wax gets to the correct pour temp, your jars will be nice and warm to pour into! Great first try!!!!!

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