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I think I made my label...


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I was searching and stressing over finding the prefect logo for my products and in trying to do it myself I might have discovered my labels. Of course it would have to change to a circle for body butters, product names, etc. But, can anyone give me feedback as of what it looks like so far? Thanks.

I don't know if this pic will show or not, I'm not sure how to make it show? If not, I placed it on a temp. page on my site, just so I can show you all. go to http://domaly.com/label.aspx


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I love your label as well... very pretty.. I would only slightly adjust the letters so it stands out and does not blend in with the flower.. I hope this makes sense.. my labels were the same way.. I had to move my lettering around so the words "popped" out at you and did not blend in with the graphic. Great job!!

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I love your label as well... very pretty.. I would only slightly adjust the letters so it stands out and does not blend in with the flower.. I hope this makes sense.. my labels were the same way.. I had to move my lettering around so the words "popped" out at you and did not blend in with the graphic. Great job!!

I understand what you are saying, thanks. I printed my label out and the lettering was a little light. I wanted to add just a touch of color, but that is one problem I am having with using Word.

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