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First soy attempt

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Hi everyone,

I usually post in the general forum, but I made my first soy candles and need some expert advice! I used pure soy and put 1/4 tsp per pound of vybar in one, and none in the other. Both of them came out smooth, except for the tops. I don't know what happened, or how to fix it. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you! :)


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I get the same thing, the cooler I pour the less mini craters. Then when I do a repour I have bubbles coming from the mini craters. So they must be tiny air pockets, still haven't figured out how to prevent them. Push down on the top really good with your fingers before doing a repour or heating, it will take care of some of the air pockets. Let me know if you find a cure. I don't use Vybar and they look the same...sometimes????

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You guys are awesome! I used the heat gun for my other waxes, I don't know why I didn't think about it for soy. It has been zapped and is nice and smooth! I was just going to ask if vybar makes a difference in these candles because I did notice on the one that I added it to didn't come out as pretty as the one without. I can't believe how effortless it is to work with soy than other waxes I've tried. The finished look is very beautiful and creamy, I think I may have found my jar wax!

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When I tested vybar in my soy a few years back, I got tops that looked like cauliflower. The other thing is, you can zap the tops with the heat gun, but once burned, they still set back up looking like that. Also, the candles I had with vybar in them swelled up so bad that it pushed the lids off. I think I posted pictures somewhere in the archives from the old board when that happened. The only thing I could figure out that caused it was the vybar. I omitted it and have never had the problem since. The other thing you might want to consider is that vybar is not natural so it may be a concern for some that don't want as many unnatural additives in their wax.

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Ok so I saw a small bubble on the side of my candle, and I decided that I'll fix it with the heat gun. Well I messed the whole candle up, now theres bumps everywhere and it doesn't want to smooth out anymore. I think I have to re-melt and re-pour, but I'm curious to know what I'm doing wrong with the gun?

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Was this the one with vybar in it? Vybar will do that to soy. Try zapping it and poking some relief holes to see if that helps.

Just because the top isn't smooth doesn't mean it won't burn right or have a great throw. I've had candles where the more I zap it with the heat gun, the worse it gets.

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No I left the vybar one alone to burn, it doesn't look too bad. The is a new batch that I made. No vybar, added 1 oz FO to 1lbs, but I just realized that the candle I'm talking about is golden blend 444, not pure soy like the original candles that I started this thread for.

The pure soy one I've been test burning, and now there's some white looking mold going on? What's this all about? Is this the way soy candles look when they're burned? Sorry for all the questions! Thank you for helping :)

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Yep the white stuff is normal. It is called frosting and is very normal for soy. It won't hurt the candle or the way it burns or throws. You can add BW to help reduce that. You can add from 1-5% but don't go over 5% or you will have to wick up and it can cause cracking.

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Silver, my customers don't give a rip about the rustic, bumpy appearance of soy. They really don't care about the frosting either. Those are just things that bug some of us chandlers. LOL

If customers are comparing soy candles to paraffin, yes -- they'll notice it's not as smooth and has some frosting, especially after burning, and especially if you color your candles. But they tend to overlook it or not mind the appearance because they just plain prefer burning soy, KWIM?

To avoid the crater tops, I pour my soy wax cool. I mean just right after it starts to set up around the edges and starts getting a hazy film on top and some tiny bits of solidifying wax in it. Then pour. The candles turn out as smooth as a baby's butt. LOL However, in all fairness, sometimes I have to pour slightly warmer and then they will come out a little rough on top. I don't fix it; I don't apologize for it. Customers don't seem to care. But I do explain to NEW customers that soy is rustic in appearance and that bumps and frosting are normal. They really just take it in stride.

I have NOT had good luck with zapping the tops of my soy candles. Sometimes when I do that, I get weepy tops afterwards. Besides, as someone else mentioned, they will just return to their jagged appearance after the customer burns it ANYWAY, so why worry about it? I just don't really mind the rustic appearance and think that's part of what makes soy unique and different from paraffin. So I don't zap the tops with a heat gun.

Edited to clarify and ficks a speling mistayke. ;)

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I always make it a point to educate customers on the ways of soy. Once informed, they don't mind at all. My heat gun works great to smooth out tops but there are times when it makes it worse. I like to quickly zap the tops for appearances sake but still let customers know how it might set up once burned.

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I have just started using Golden Blends 464 soy wax and you treat it just like a paraffin wax. Pour it hot and it's smooth as can be. Even after burning, it may get a little pitted but not like other soy waxes. I usually hand out an "About Soy" facts page with my candles, but I've never had anyone say anything about the pitted appearance before once they know to expect it and that it's just a typical characteristic of soy wax.

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