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Webstore Critique


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My webstore is www.candalisacandles.com

Please visit and offer your critique on what you find. I am still trying to put the finishing touches and such on it and also working out the glitches on it. So its a rough cut for now.

I want to have it up and running by the end of next week cause thats when my craft shows start. All my promo materials; signs, brochures, flyers, business cards, etc. have the site addy on them I need it working by then.

So any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


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Hi there.

First off, it's a nice site. I like the colors and the navigation.

The only suggestion I have is on the front page. I would move the picture from the bottom of the page to the top. It would up the "wow" factor. I really think you did a good job! It's very nice, clean and professional looking.

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Your website looks good. I would just make your pics. a little larger it is very hard to see the candles. :wink2:

I agree-- however the thumbnail pics are just that and are for clicking on to the item page where you will have another pic you can click on to enlarge.

All the pics except for the thumbnails you can click on to get a larger view for details. Thats the way the store is designed so I don't have a choice of making a pic any size I want. Just try clicking on a pic and you'll see.

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Hi there.

First off, it's a nice site. I like the colors and the navigation.

The only suggestion I have is on the front page. I would move the picture from the bottom of the page to the top. It would up the "wow" factor. I really think you did a good job! It's very nice, clean and professional looking.

I can change the code to move the pic up to the top. But then it changes the pic size and I would rather have the larger size. Again, its a store design thing. You have a certain amount of choices in loading pics and text, etc.

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Very nice, I agree on the home page move the pic to the top. In your scent descriptions is coconut spelled cocoanut? And also on carrot cake should it be cream cheese frosting, or is there a sour cream frosting out there that I don't know about yet? LOL!

Very nice and pretty. Your candles and presentation is beautiful.

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I can change the code to move the pic up to the top. But then it changes the pic size and I would rather have the larger size. Again, its a store design thing. You have a certain amount of choices in loading pics and text, etc.

Candybee, it can be changed. I can give ya a hand with it if you want. Send me a pm if interested. :D

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Thanks to everyone for looking and offering some very useful advice. I put a list together of things I want fixed and your tips are all on them.

Funkymonkey-- I will check with my designer to have the pic looked at. Since I paid for the store design I think they should fix that for me. If you say that can be done then that will give me some leverage in dealing with them. But so far they have been able to accommodate me when I ask for something.

The most important thing to me was having a simplified site with a contemporary feel and good navigation throughout.

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I think your site is very nice! I didn't really get to surf it very well yet because I'm in the middle of a migraine cycle. But, it is very eye pleasing and I'll assume you changed your pictures because they looked nice to me. I like your name too.

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