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Using those individual molds


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I think I'm missing the obvious here but I don't get how you use the individual molds. I have a silicone one cavity mold & made M&P and was able to melt just enough for the mold & then do it again after that one was hard. However, that would take a while if I wanted more than 2 soaps! And how could I possibly do that with CP or do you just use the log type molds for CP? Even with a 4 cavity mold, you'd have too much CP for it. Thanks

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You can use individual bar molds for CP, but filling them is a tedious process if you're doing a sizeable batch. Also, if you like your soaps to gel, it's much harder for them to build up enough heat in the individual bar molds, so it's much less likely they'll gel without some serious help. And because they don't gel and stay softer/stickier longer, they can be a bear to unmold.

I have used the chunky individual bar molds for HP'ed soap batter successfully.

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I use milky way molds for some individual soaps, I try to make them in the summer and gel them in the sun with a box over them. I have also used a heating pad and a box. Set the box and the heating pad up before you start soaping, I put a towel over the heating pad, fill the molds and stick them in there, I have had no problems with gelling this way.

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