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Curing candles with no lids??

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Hi all!

Just out of curiosity, how do you cure your candles with no lids? I've always just assumed lids were needed for curing (don't ask me why, I don't know :D ). Anywho...I made a candle yesterday that has no lid. I stuck some Press and Seal (you know, sorta like a waxy Saran Wrap) over the top. What do you guys do?? Just wondering :)



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Boy, I feel silly! I try to make sure I have lids on my jars and containers but when there arent any, I just cure them as they are, NEVER occured to me to turn the darn things upside down! Duh!! Thanks for that little SMART tip!!

God Bless,


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I think a layer of FO just migrates and sits on the surface over time. Thats why I think when people pick up candles in the store and take the lid off the FO hits them and they THINK it'll throw really well when burned - but one doesn't equal the other. Just my theory anyway.

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