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Re-Blend 444

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Very nice. Sets up TONS better than 415 in terms of wet spots and frosting (still frosts on purple and a little on red, but that could be the red dye I use). Throw is comparable to 415, although I find the cold throw to be just slightly diminished to the 415.

The only problem I've had with it at all is that many times I will get a sinkhole near the wick at the top. A few seconds with the heat gun fixes that and it re-sets up very nicely.

I never used the old blend so I can't compare it to that.

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I think the new 444 is very much improved over the old 444. The old 444 had bad sinkhole problems even when pouring testers with no wicks, and the cold/hot throw was not that good (compared to 415). I have poured the new 444 at 150, and it sets up with a depression, but after knifing into it checking for air pockets it comes up nice and solid. The hot throw is nearly comparable to 415, but it does need some curing time, at least a week. It seems to work well either plain or with BW, but USA doesn't seem to do much for it. I may be buying a case to further continue testing pour temps to find if a lower temp will make it set up smooth, but for now I'm content using the heat gun to zap the tops smooth.

I love it!!!!:wink2:

You would! :P


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Except for those darn sink holes I love it too! Yes Jason if your reading this, im still getting holes at 130 pouring temp. However a heat gun and 5 minutes later you have a beautiful candle and it throws nicely when lit and

the cold throw is great with most scents I have used, especially cinnamon buns. I thought I died and went to heaven when I lit that one. So yes Marilyn give it a try its nice.

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I haven't run into this so far. What FO's are you trying that need this long to cure?

Right now I'm burning an MC Caramel Apple and it had only cured 72 hours but it's giving off a great hot throw.

I've used Peak's Bayberry, which should have sent us both running out of the house screaming about our eyes burning, but only had a nice mellow version. After further burning of it in other waxes, maybe my remaining Bayberry has lost some potency. Which means I'll have top crank up the Mad Scientist lab and test more 444 with another FO :grin2:


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How much difference is everyone noticing in wick sizes. I had just got my sizes figured out for the old blend of 444 and then found out it has been reblended so has everyone been having to wick up or down from the wicks they normally used. I use wickit wicks and have gone through my samples on a couple of sizes figuring out which wick I needed. Does anyone know where I can get smaller quantities of wickit wicks since I will now have to start all over with my testing to come up with the right wick size. Thanks all.

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