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Looking for a specific web hosting


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I figured I could ask some of you to help narrow down the results. I am thinking of booting my Yahoo Web Builder. Not only have they changed some of the things and taken some extras I was using away, but I have been having problems with it. One major problem is my guestbook and the "Bots" that keep posting in it with thier websites for viagra and free sex. I had about 75 posts in the last few days alone. They use different IP's everytime so I cannot ban them. ANYWAY;

What I am looking for is something in which I can have a wholesale ordering page in conjunction with a retail page. Maybe like a "login" or something of the like. I also would like the cart to be easy to use, and include a shipping calculator.

Any ideas anyone? TIA!

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I use WAHM Shoppes (www.wahmshoppes.com) You can have a wholesale option requiring a log in along with a retail page as well. The guest book/feedback page has to be approved by you before it's shown on your site and they have to put in a code- so the problem you're having wouldn't be an issue. The cart is easy for customers to use, and easy for you to set up and maintain and there is are several ways to set up shipping on there. I've been with them for almost 2 years and really like it!

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I am using volusion - http://www.volusion.com/ I haven't finished my website yet - I will send you a PM with the link so you can see what I have made so far. They do have a members only option - but I didn't really look into that much - but they have plenty of info on their site along with a message board.

Also you can sign up for a free 2 week trial.

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I figured I could ask some of you to help narrow down the results. I am thinking of booting my Yahoo Web Builder. Not only have they changed some of the things and taken some extras I was using away, but I have been having problems with it. One major problem is my guestbook and the "Bots" that keep posting in it with thier websites for viagra and free sex. I had about 75 posts in the last few days alone. They use different IP's everytime so I cannot ban them. ANYWAY;

What I am looking for is something in which I can have a wholesale ordering page in conjunction with a retail page. Maybe like a "login" or something of the like. I also would like the cart to be easy to use, and include a shipping calculator.

Any ideas anyone? TIA!

Hey....I use yahoo also...I put a stop to all the "porn" and viagra guestbook posting....I approve the posts now....I couldnt believe the stuff I was getting either....they were posting 5 or 6 times a day!

The wholesale thing....if you know how to do PHP in the web builder...I think that offers the login...I don't understand it at all...so I link a wholesale page (free site) to my reg site....right now to start (still working on it)...I have a link on my home page....figured it would let people see it...but I will take that off later and only give the link to certain people.

I haven't noticed any changes...have you updated your recently? I have the small business Web Hosting Standard...and I use yahoo site builder....I am thinking about down grading....only difference for me would be instead of 500 email addressing I would only have 200...which I am only using 2 right now...lol...or changing hosting completely...so if I find something good...I will pass it on to you!

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I use WAHM Shoppes (www.wahmshoppes.com) You can have a wholesale option requiring a log in along with a retail page as well. The guest book/feedback page has to be approved by you before it's shown on your site and they have to put in a code- so the problem you're having wouldn't be an issue. The cart is easy for customers to use, and easy for you to set up and maintain and there is are several ways to set up shipping on there. I've been with them for almost 2 years and really like it!

Same here and the price is right ($7/month)

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Ooh definately looking into Wahm.

I pay about 8 a month so that is great. I cannot do PHP and I did update. One of the things they changed was my ability to send certain form entries to certain emails. For ex. I had a form for wholesale inquiries, and one for fundraisers. They were each sent to the appropriate e-mail. Well without notice they sent all of them to my husbands email, (because our bill is in his name). So I missed alot of inquiries. Thanks ya'll!

One more question though, my current web addy is www.fourseasonscandles.net I don't suppose I can somehow still keep that same addy huh? TIA

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I use WAHM Shoppes (www.wahmshoppes.com) You can have a wholesale option requiring a log in along with a retail page as well. The guest book/feedback page has to be approved by you before it's shown on your site and they have to put in a code- so the problem you're having wouldn't be an issue. The cart is easy for customers to use, and easy for you to set up and maintain and there is are several ways to set up shipping on there. I've been with them for almost 2 years and really like it!

Does this one have a shipping calculator? Or am I missing it?

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Does this one have a shipping calculator? Or am I missing it?

It has a shipping calculator, but I honestly can't tell you how extensive it is- I use a flat rate shipping based on order total so I've never used actual shipping (I just know what I did was easy to set up) but I have several friends that have stores with WAHMshoppes and they have it where it's able to compute shipping.

And yes, you can keep your domain name.

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