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Homw many fo you use more than 9% fo?

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I'm just wondering... because I have some scents that I really like but that are not strong enough at 9%, so I'd like to test a higher ratio (I use cb135 and ngi says it holds up to 12% fo). Is this safe?:confused:

edit: "homw".... please be indulgent - it's 1.30 am here in Germany....

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I agree, if you can't get a throw at 9% and maybe even 10% I would move on to another oil. I have set my standard at no more than 9% now. I used to push it to 10%. If you find a great throwing wax, you will be able to find great oils for it -- will throw well at 9% and below. It can take some time to find the right ones, but they are out there. I have gone through many duds but have found a lot of great oils. Keep working at it and don't give up. :)

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okay, I see, and I agree....the fo I was talking about is strawberry. There seems to be no true smelling one that is strong enough for my cb135 - you know here in Europe I have only one option and that is Ecosoya because it is distributed in UK - so I have to work with that. A bit complicated but that's the way it is...:embarasse Maybe I should grow my own soy??:D

Has anyone tried smelling walls? Just thought it a great idea because we're refurbishing at the moment....:P

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I'm in the UK and also use ecoysoya - I have a strawberry that throws brilliantly - give me your address and I'll send you a sample and if it works for you, we can order more together as I'm almost out of it and need to order more. Same goes for wax - we can order together to get a cheaper price per kg.


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I'm in the UK and also use ecoysoya - I have a strawberry that throws brilliantly - give me your address and I'll send you a sample and if it works for you, we can order more together as I'm almost out of it and need to order more. Same goes for wax - we can order together to get a cheaper price per kg.



you've got mail!:grin2:

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Hi Ubure,

I know it really is frustrating when you love a scent but it gives a lousy throw and you can't seem to find the right one. I have trouble with lemon. It is either fuel or a lousy throw.

I use Strawberry Shortcake (not a lot of cake in it) from The Scented Bean. It gives a good throw in CB-3 Calsoy. It is not a run you out of the house throw but good. I would say it has a medium/strong throw depending on ones nose. I have not tried many strawberry scents. When I tested this one I liked it so I stopped there. I do have a sample of Strawberry Jam from BCN in my cupboard. Everyone has raved about this one, so I wanted to see for myself. I have a lot of luck with the Scented Bean.

Good luck with the testing. You will make it work.


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