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Cost to make candles


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Can anyone tell me where I can find what it cost to make candles, molds, etc. (at least estimated). Wanting to sell candles and not sure what to charge for them and for fixins. Getting supplies slowly but surely, lol. Thanks. Deb :)

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The cost to make the candles is going to vary depending on the type of wax you use, whether you have it shipped or pick up local, what FOs you use, what size candle you are making, what additives you use(if any), etc. There is no magic price to charge. What I do is add up what it cost for me to make the candle, then multiply by 3 for retail. But it also depends on what your area will pay for that candle. HTH a little

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Some wax I have had shipped and still trying to find a store in my area where I can pick up bulk wax. It sounds like I should keep the cost of wax, etc. and figure how much wax it takes to make pillars, votives, embeds, etc. I also thought I would look at prices online for what they are selling candles for in my area. Thanks so much.

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Just have to figure the costs of wax - shipping - jars - fragrance - paper towels..lol. - insurance - warning labels - wicks - packaging - your time and anything and everything and then try to come up with a price that will make you a profit and still have customers wanting to buy. It may likely require some experimentation. :smiley2:

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Can anyone tell me where I can find what it cost to make candles, molds, etc. (at least estimated). Wanting to sell candles and not sure what to charge for them and for fixins. Getting supplies slowly but surely, lol. Thanks. Deb :)
Not wanting to sound like a drag. But should you get the basics of candlemaking BEFORE you are ready to sell them? If you do not know how much it costs you to make your candle, the biz part of this is gonna be pure hell for you. JMO
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I'd say the startup cost to make and test your candles could run as high as $2000, depending on how controlled you are in your spending and how many types you want to do. Course if you're just doing one size and a few scents it can be a lot less....

Look around the web to see what other items are priced at - check your stores and other local fairs. Then compare that with your costs once you've got a formula down and know what you'd be using consistently.

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When I first decided to go from hobby to selling I went and looked at every candle store I could find, and I trolled the craft shows. A big factor will be where you live and how saturated the market is currently with your particular product. Are you planning on doing the craft show scene? Home parties? Wholesale accounts? Where I live, the primitive look is overdone, so I opted for a more classic look to my candles (ie., no gingham around the necks of my jars, no mason jars, that type of thing).

Good luck, it's a hell of a ride!

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