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Can you add premade purfume oils made w/ FO to B&B ?


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Ok, here's one for you experts! I located an Ebay store that sells massage oils, dry spray oils for hair body, roll on purfumes... room sprays, etc. She has one that is a B&BW dupe from a discontinued line ive been aching for! I ordered a sample of the Massage oil made only of sweet almond oil and FO, and it's absolutey right on. Can I make a soap with it? Do I use the same measurement as I would for any FO?

I think this is a silly q - i'm sure its 'safe' --but I want to make sure you CAN add Sweet Almond Oil to say... a clear M&P base, do I add more since it is 'cut' with the Sweet Almond oil, does it blend, is it like any other oil, are there oils that just DONT blend, etc.

And while I have your attention:grin2: I know this is the b&b board but do any of you cross overs know if I can also make a tart or maybe in the future, a candle with it if i like it in the soap? Is there a general rule that if you can use it in B&B you can use in a candle? Or is that a no no? I want to start with tarts for a while. I like the idea that I'm less likely to be responsible for something BURNING. Lol.

Ohh i hope this makes sense! I love this fragrance (Water Blossom Ivy) so much it makes me loopy, lol. :drool:

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If the only ingredients truly are sweet almond oil & fo, you could use it in m&p. I wouldnt go over 1tbsp pp. As for tarts, I wouldn't because of the sweet almond.

Why not just buy the fo? Then you dont have to worry about it being diluted, & can use it in candles as well!

8 places are listed as having it in the fragrance finder... here's the link to the W's.


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Ok- I thank you so much for that info. I clicked on the link and I don't really know what Im looking at/ or for. Do I do a search for the B&BW brand or fragrance name?

I thought it would be easiest to use this oil as I dont know what EO's or FO's were used to create this perfect match. Also, at .99 cents for a 1/4 oz I thought that was a cheap way to try before I commit to bigger quantities.


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Click on duplications and you'll see a whole section on B&BW scents...click on the scent and it takes you to the section with a list of suppliers that carry that oil. Or you can just go under the alphabetical listings and find the oil itself. Either way, you'll get to the list of suppliers!! :D

Definately do not use that Ebay stuff in candles!! It also may not blend that great in your M&P, but try it and see!! It may cut your lather down some with the extra oil.

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