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NEw to Candle Making Help!!!

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I am new candle making and enjoy strong fragranced container candles. I have read many posts here before starting to make my first candle.

Here is my problem I made three different fragranced candles, lavendar, sugar cookie, and creme brulee. ( not all mixed together but three seperate scents). I made them using 8 jelly jar and 16 oz mason jar for the two sizes.

I followed the manufacturer's fragrance and used 2oz of fragrance for every 1lb of wax. I also let the candles sit for 3 days with the lid on them after they cooled down to let them cure. I lite the lavendar tonite and it has excellent cold throw but the hot throw is a very weak.

I chose igi 4627 comfort blend and is used lonestar fo's with lonestar liquid dye. I built my own presto melter.

As a side note I aired out the house after making them and have not been around the fragrances since i made them so hopefully my nose has readjusted. Your help is greatly appreciated.

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